Home OP-ED Why We Exist: To Insure Every Child Succeeds, Says LaRose

Why We Exist: To Insure Every Child Succeeds, Says LaRose


[Editor’s Note: Mr. LaRose is superintendent of the Culver City Unified School District.]

[img]1456|right|Mr. Dave LaRose||no_popup[/img]Buckets, Beliefs and Back to School was the theme of our All-Staff Back to School Celebration two weeks ago.

Our entire team gathered for our annual family reunion and celebrated our core belief – Success for All Takes US ALL!

As I often stress, this is both the “why” and “how” of our work. We exist to ensure every child succeeds. We know it is only possible by working together: School, student, family and community.

About Buckets

You may be familiar with the reference to “Buckets” from the popular, award winning book, “How Full is Your Bucket?” The following is how authors Tom Rath and Donald Clifton summarize the theory of The Bucket and the Dipper: “Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. Each of us has an invisible dipper. When we use that dipper to fill other people’s buckets – by saying or doing things to increase their positive emotions – we also fill our own buckets. But when we use that dipper to dip from others’ buckets – by saying or doing things that decrease positive emotions – we diminish ourselves.”

According to the research they reference, we experience 20,000 individual moments every day, each an opportunity for filling or dipping; helping or hurting.

Why is this important for our CCUSD Team? Because, as is the case with our students, our performance is directly tied to our feelings of hope, engagement and well being.

When our bucket is filled with positive emotions, encouraging words and expressions of gratitude for a job well done, we are stronger, more optimistic and motivated to give our very best.

Conversely, empty buckets project negativity, decrease motivation and increase dipping from others’ buckets!
While the imagery is fairly simple, the message is profound.

• We are all at our best when our bucket is full.

• We need others to fill our bucket.

• Others need us to fill their bucket.

There is a clear, compelling connection between the bucket theory and our work with children. Simply put, a full bucket is the fuel for a child’s success. That is why we exist. Success for All!

Join us as we celebrate the start of the school year with a slight twist on our district creed – Full Buckets for All Takes US ALL!

Mr. LaRose may be contacted at davidlarose@ccusd.org