Home OP-ED Why the GOP Can’t Get Rid of Its Clowns

Why the GOP Can’t Get Rid of Its Clowns


GOP strategists and analysts sounded desperate, even panicked, when they implored Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels to toss his hat in the Presidential ring.

Their panic to get Daniels in the race has less to do with special magic they think he will bring to a campaign to oust President Obama than their mounting horror at how the best- known potential GOP candidates have turned the party into a three ring circus.

The would-be candidates who have snatched the most media ink and public attention typified the clown lunacy that GOP regulars shudder at.

One (Donald Trump) was still musing over whether the birth certificate Obama released was really the real deal and whether Obama’s college performance was fake. One (Sarah Palin) was going through back flips to not even mention Obama’s name in praising the bin Laden takedown.

One (Michele Bachmann) was rambling on about Obama’s teleprompter. One (Herman Cain) virtually demands that the government get out of the business of taxation. And Ron Paul is back at again, claiming he would back legalizing marijuana. Beyond laughable, it was pitiable.

Can Someone Be Serious?

Meanwhile, the supposed serious candidates might as well be on the far side of the moon. They have virtually no name recognition, no program, little money. Busily, they trash around, trying to find something, anything, to get some attention. None has stirred a faint pulse among voters, let alone moderate and conservative independents. Not that it would much matter. It still is Palin, Bachmann, Trump and Paul whom the public knows best and, to the terror of the establishment, define who and what the GOP is and represents.

Daniels’ fever is simply the GOP’s front door way of saying that the party is desperate to wipe the bile in the mouths of the electorate from the clownish antics of their media-known notables.

But how can they do it?

Even if Daniels ultimately decides to go for the White House prize, Palin, Bachmann, Trump, Cain and Paul still speak for a big swatch of GOP voters, the likes of Tea Party activists, and leaders, anti-gay, anti-abortion, gun- toting, chronic tax protestors, and Christian right hardliners, neo-Confederates and assorted racist kooks, crackpots and loons.

Better Pay Attention

This is the bunch that brings passion, fervor and energy to the party. They can’t be ignored. A major reason GOP Presidential candidate John McCain committed what many insiders still consider political suicide, he picked Palin because he thought she could fire up the hardliners in a way that he couldn’t hope to. The bitter truth for is not much has changed since then.

Palin, Bachmann, Trump, Cain and more often than not Paul’s mug are seen round the clock on Fox, on websites, blogs and social media, cheered by the pack of right-wing talk show hosts, and Rush Limbaugh. They are heroes, even icons, to the Tea Party throngs. They know that any utterance, no matter how silly and irrelevant, will be picked up, played up and endlessly talked about in the mainstream media. Their idolatrous followers love every word from them. Palin, Bachmann, Trump and Cain never could have gotten non-stop media and public attention from their inane and outrageous quips alone. The media would have quickly grown tired and moved on to the next salacious, gossipy, trashy, celeb story.

Their staying power is based squarely on their ability to stoke popular rage at and frustration with tin ear politicians among Democrats, but especially within the GOP, who have turned voters into invisible men and women. This translates to millions of disgruntled, frustrated voters who will be sorely tempted to push, prod and hector the GOP to give Palin, Bachmann, Trump, Cain and Paul their due. Many will be just as sorely tempted to vote for them as the maverick candidate who poses a credible alternative to Obama, and the GOP mainstream.

Since there is virtually no chance the media grandstanding candidates will get the nomination, the fear again is that their frenzied backers will stay at home on Election Day. This would be tantamount to a vote for Obama and would be an even bigger disaster for in 2012 than in 2008.

The clownish sideshow ring mastered by the fringe candidates is a textbook catch-22. If party leaders publicly badmouth, marginalize or ostracize them, that almost certainly will blow the slender chance they already have of making Obama a one-term President. This would be the GOP’s nightmare and Obama’s dream. Thankfully, the GOP is stuck with its clowns.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is an associate editor of New America Media. He is host of the weekly Hutchinson Report Newsmaker Hour on KTYM Radio Los Angeles streamed on ktym.com podcast on blogtalkradio.com and internet TV broadcast on thehutchinsonreportnews.com

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