Home OP-ED Why It Will Be Best for Swish to Win Again

Why It Will Be Best for Swish to Win Again


Peggy Noonan, my cousin by divorce, said the other day that regardless of the identity of next year’s Republican Presidential nominee, he, or she, will be demeaned by the 98 percent Angry Left media mainly for one of two qualities — being too mean or too stupid.

Reading our own newspaper and then thumbing through the Los Angeles Titanic and others this morning, it felt as if I were reading well-worn books for the 250th time.

Given the ugliness spewed daily by the boys who comment on the Angry Left, it occurred to me that even though Swish Obama is the laziest, least serious President since the 19th century, it would be healthier for our country if he were safely re-elected next year.

While ineptitude never should be rewarded, the morning after the 2012 election will make this summer’s flash riots in the U.K. resemble kindergarten if Swish loses.

Bet your sanity on it.

The boys on the Angry Left have been playing race-baiting games in their newspaper, online and television commentaries since Swish declared his worthy candidacy.

If he didn’t get nominated, fiendish political racism would be to blame, especially the anti-black element in Hillary’s delegation.

If Swish didn’t win the ’08 election, the boys had their story stored in advance just in case — it would be those darned Republican racists who poisoned the whole country against this unaccomplished bozo, not because he was untested but, by thunder, because he was black.

Swish Pleads Innocent, as Usual

In the most arcane sense, it is true that President Swish has not raised the racial thermometer himself — that has been done by the black and white race-baiters he carefully has chosen to surround himself with. “I didn’t say it, they did,” Swish has mumbled on dozens of occasions.

Early in his administration, in response to the extreme policies while he was meanderingly seeking to implement — and in some cases succeeded — the Tea Party movement was born. A man who died in 1940 and didn’t know the meaning of the term “prescience” could have precisely predicted the Democrat Party response — “Them people is racists. They hate our guy because he is black.”

The hyper-partisans in Swish’s administration — they are trucked in by the building-full each month — have devised the most extraordinary race-flavored accusations against Republicans, whom they fear and loathe more than the enemies of our country.

Downtown at the Titanic and inside the hundreds of other media footstools of the Democrat Party, the loyal stenographers scribble down their anonymous remarks and pass them along to their unquestioning audiences as if God just had revisited Moses.

Three years on, this is a scrupulously scripted scenario by the boys on the Angry Left to bring Swish back for a second, heaven forbid, term.

For the long-term mental health of our country, it might be best this time to let racist hate triumph.