Home OP-ED Why It Is Good the People-Control Gun Bill Failed

Why It Is Good the People-Control Gun Bill Failed


Two weeks ago Saturday evening, my wife and I made a conscious decision to see the worst film in Southern California.

We could have conserved the $17, remained in our living room until yesterday and watched the people-control debate over guns in the U.S. Senate.

A tremendous victory for hundreds of millions of Americans.

During a layover in Washington after the vote, President Obama speaking in meticulously measured tones, reached for his favorite rhetorical prop, a straw man. He called Republicans and the National Rifle Assn. “willful liars” for misleading their less insightful Senate colleagues who favored narrowing gun-owner rights, and supported the failed people-control gun bill.

But he had no words for Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, one of the most prominent Democrat defectors. Asked why he voted for the gun bill to fail, Mr. Baucus said “Montana.” He knows his constituents.

This came the day after Mr. Baucus, one of the architects of the disaster known as ObamaCare, converted to the other side and said the government-driven-controlled scam/scheme “is a train wreck.”

Happily, seven amendments to yesterday’s DOA people-control gun bill flopped like an ammunition-filled quail at the height duck-hunting season.

An often angry blowhard, Mr. Obama knows but has failed to confess that the expanded background checks proposed in the bill would not have affected Newtown, which he has converted into a four-month circuit. To admit that would have destroyed his devious ploy.

Checks Already in Place

Background checks long have been on the books, to no noticeable deterrence. They were as unrelated to Newtown, Aurora and other gravesites as baseball is to green cheese.

However, cheering for such a controlling bill makes liberals feel good about themselves. That is chiefly why they are liberals.

But the President will not allow himself to admit that salient fact. It makes better theatre for him to drape his arms around mourning parents and mumble, with supreme hubris, “I will make you feel better.”

That was intended as sincerely as his noble pronouncement that ObamaCare would be a panacea for all Americans, that filthy insurance firms would be penalized, that ordinary Americans would prosper in undreamed of ways.

Actually, he was right both times. Insurance giants are suffering. Americans are being hurt by ObamaCare in undreamed of ways.

Mr. Obama is the most disengaged President in 100 years.

I Am Up Here, Guys

His favorite posting, as he is in the fifth year of proving, is miles above the fray.

His goal in life is never to need a wash cloth or a towel.

It is not in his nature to soil his hands.

Having led a pampered life, it is not in his nature to fight. He doesn’t make a conscious decision to be arrogant. It is his nature to be served.

He plays his habit of privilege to an unpimpled pinnacle.

This is a man of wobbly principles, few of which are known.

Fighting for what he supposedly believes is morally right is beneath him. Has been since childhood.

He did not fight for ObamaCare. He has not fought for immigration reform.

His strength is haranguing, name-calling when he deems it prudent.

Flicking his left hand toward a group of workers, he says “You boys decide, and I will sign it.”

This disdain for labor did not start when he entered the White House. By now it has been honed to a gallery-worthy art.

This way, you see, when an initiative fails, President Obama honestly can declaim, “It is not my fault.”