Home OP-ED Why I Am the Best Candidate

Why I Am the Best Candidate


The first draft of my opening remarks to the Democratic Club for this evening’s forum for School Board candidates (7 o’clock, Rotunda Room, Vets Auditorium):

I’d like to thank the Culver City Democratic Club for holding this forum.

As a dues-paying member for the last two years, I’ve grown to appreciate what the club does for the community by inviting thought- provoking speakers and being out front and taking stands on important issues.

Before I start talking about why I am the best candidate for School Board, I need to make an important announcement and request.

Recently the club passed a resolution supporting Prop.1481, the oil extraction tax to rescue education initiative, which could bring $3 billion in oil tax revenue to help education.

I had been calling for some type of windfall profits tax on oil companies to fund schools for three years when our president Karlo (Silbiger) presented copies of the initiative to our club.

If I had not been a member of the club I would probably not have heard about this initiative. I think this oil extraction tax initiative is more important than Measure EE, which I supported.

I am therefore inviting all the candidates and members of the present School Board to take the lead and share EQUALLY in supporting Prop. 1481.

I am asking you in the audience during the question-and-answer period to put us all on the spot and demand to know if each candidate will support this initiative.

Each candidate is fully aware of the contents of the initiative and will be copping out if he or she wants to have time to study the initiative before committing to you.

In trying economic times like these, where budget deficits threaten the viability of our education system we cannot afford the status quo. We can’t hold hands and sing “Kumbaya.”

I believe I am the best candidate for School Board because I’m an activist, a change agent, and a MUCKRAKER!

Yes that’s right! I’m a MUCKRAKER!

I’m referring to the Progressive Era reformers who were called MUCKRAKERS for exposing corruption and waste in government.

One of the main reasons I’m running for School Board is because most of the reforms and ideas I suggested two years ago when I ran for office have not been acted on.

In fact, when I would make suggestions to the School Board about refurbishing the Natatorium or raising funds, I was met with stone cold silence or contempt.

As a School Board member, I will be able to generate fresh, innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and creative solutions to combat the dire budget problems facing the Culver City Unified School District.

I was the first candidate to support using solar panels at our schools that would save over $600,000 in electricity expenses. It has taken over two years since I made that proposal until the Board has finally issued an RFP, request for proposal, to companies to put up solar panels at our schools.

I’m a prudent fiscal manager. I will bring a diverse background of real world experiences as a teacher, entrepreneur and realtor.

I’m for advancing and promoting the quality of education while holding the line on spending. For example, I will stop the District from wasting $6 million on excessive attorney and consultant fees out of a $53 million budget.

I do not believe it is necessary to impose furlough days on our teachers and reduce the teaching days available to our students to save money. I say cut outside consultants and lawyers. Rely more on in-house work.

As a substitute teacher, I have a broader understanding of what has been happening in our schools because I have taught every grade from K-12 and been in virtually every class throughout the School District.

Mr. Zirgulis may be contacted at zirgulisr@yahoo.com