Home OP-ED Who Cares About Horribly Abused Indian Children? Not Us, Says the Left

Who Cares About Horribly Abused Indian Children? Not Us, Says the Left


One overlooked weakness of the Left, apart from its favorite 15 obsessions – victims of any race and gender as long as they can prove they are not straight and they never have voted Republican, abortion, open borders, illegal aliens who enjoy committing crimes, drug rights for prisoners, drug rights for students, white racism, gay marriage, gay students, gay teachers, gay Boy Scouts, gay Republicans, gun control, religious persons who disagree with them, non-religious persons who disagree with them – is its movement-wide inability to grasp subtleties.

After three stentorian ladies of the Left – Facelift Pelosi, Corpse Feinstein and Pattycake Murray – had their say last weekend about liberals’ latest nutty law proposal, you would have thought it would have been unAmerican for those disgusting male chauvinist pig Republicans to oppose the saintly Violence Against Women Act.

Has a catchy ring, doesn’t it? Sing it out, girls. The name sounds so safe, so cozy, so protective, so darned reassuring, so coldly logical, so ineradicably rational.

Before the girly men in the U.S. Senate voted 78 to 22 yesterday to renew the act that expired a year ago, the Obama We Love Everybody Who Agrees With Us machine bombarded voters with emails and tweets. They demanded that men, women and independents embarrass their senators into voting aye by inundating the Capitol switchboard, threatening to vote Republican if they don’t surrender.

Is this a great country, or what? 

After the vote, Minnesota Sen. Amy (Gad, I Wish I Had Been Born a Man) Klobuchar held a press conference where she pounded her chest in a ladylike manner and bellowed:

“When people start messing around with questioning rape and questioning victims and talking about things in ways that women find offensive, they’re going to respond.”

As Amy Baby footnoted, up to now women have been too intimidated by those darned right-wing chaps to respond when they were offended.

Why Do We Object?

Here is the problem with the so-called Violence act that bothered non-Lefties because they comprehend subtleties:

A provision stealthily sneaked into the bill expands – it does not merely renew – the authority of Indian courts, which make kangaroo courts look like serious enterprises.

This is a subtlety?

In its permanent perspiration-soaked search across the land for victims, the Left has managed to calculatedly overlook women and child victims at Indian reservations nationwide.

The Indian court system widely is portrayed – by left-wing media – as the equivalent of a legal whorehouse where justice is as scarce as left-wing reasoning.

Here Is Evidence

Even the loonily left-wing New York Times admits that an “epidemic of child sex abuse” prevails at the Spirit Lake Indian Reservation in North Dakota, where children are raped and sodomized by friends, family members and tribal elders.

Says the Times: “Crimes are rarely prosecuted. Few arrests are made. People say because of safety fears and law enforcement’s lack of interest, they no longer report even the most sadistic violence against children.”

The shocking abuses and the criminal mindset of Indian he-men and shy squaws at good ol’ Spirit Lake was compared to Penn State and the Catholic church by a person from the federal Administration for Children and Families.

Demonstrating there is a patch of decency on the Left, the left-wing National Assn. of Criminal Defense Lawyers, fired off a letter to the she-men and he-men before the House vote. They urged members not to widen the authority of the yahoo Indian courts because many tribes “do not make the code of laws publicly available.” Further, “they have no rules for discovery by defendants of evidence against them.”

“Many” tribes will not provide defendants with lawyers.

In the Senate, when Republicans sought to eliminate the expansion of the Indian courts’ authority, the vote heavily went against them, 59 to 31.

“The problem with the tribal courts,” said a member of the Independent Women’s Forum, “is that they don’t necessarily adhere to the same constitutional standards as the other courts in this country.”

But, hey, let’s understand the Left has priorities. No. 1 is that all Lefties feel really, really good about themselves.

Who cares if a few Injuns out there somewhere in the vast desert are scalping women and children?

We will sleep more confidently tonight because we have our Violence Against Women Act. We will shoot, or scalp, anybody who disagrees.