Home OP-ED Where and How Malsin Lost His Return Bid

Where and How Malsin Lost His Return Bid


Mr. Malsin only finished first in one of the 13 precincts, the 22nd, Culver West, his home neighborhood.

He placed third in one precinct, fourth in two, and nine times he ran fifth.

In Voting by Mail, Mr. Malsin won the the 22nd again, Culver West. He placed third in two precincts, fourth in five precincts, and fifth in five precincts.

So it is pretty clear this morning that Mr. Malsin still has support in the community, but not enough to finish at least fourth this time around.

The Malsin campaign had to know there was trouble.

A simple cross-referencing of their 2006 and 2010 lists of campaign supporters with their current list showed that Mr. Malsin had lost almost 50 percent of previous long-term backers this election cycle. Sixty percent of the loss was women, 40 percent men.

I guess there are more single moms and single women in the community who did not appreciate the way Mr. Malsin grabbed his lifetime healthcare benefits and made voters pay for them while they still are struggling to make ends meet.

Mr. Laase may be contacted at GMLaase@aol.com