Home OP-ED When Komen and I Parted Company

When Komen and I Parted Company


Dateline Dayton – Knowing many of you will not agree with me, I will give my two or more cents to happenings of the past week.

The Susan G. Komen Foundation decided last week to no longer fund Planned Parenthood, and then reversed that decision. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill, receiving millions of dollars a year, actually that figure totals more than a billion. So what is the fuss over the possible loss of $650,000?

The Komen Foundation has raised a lot of money to find a cure for breast cancer. In doing so, it has gotten many individuals and organizations involved in the effort. I lost my respect for the foundation when I found out they were providing funds to Planned Parenthood. Sure, it supposedly was going to them for breast exams. Even if true, and I don’t believe it for a minute, it still helps cover overhead costs, freeing up more money for abortions. Why can’t Planned Parenthood be just that, a plan for parenthood, instead of a vehicle for abortions?

It would be interesting to know the true story as to why the Komen Foundation wanted to cut funding to Planned Parenthood and then reinstated it. Today I have even less respect for Komen because their leadership must not be able to take the heat on a good decision they made. One individual is gone already. Will more resignations follow?

The Super Bowl, in Part

Although I was able to take a nap during the second half of the Super Bowl last Sunday, that is not unusual for me while watching television. I did see last five minutes.

The Super Bowl itself and the commercials should be the reason we watch the game and not the trashy halftime show. I missed most of it because I was busy sending emails to members of the Learning Tree Farm’s board. Will the NFL ever learn? I hope the FCC comes down hard on everyone involved, the National Football League, NBC, Madonna and especially that M.I.A. chick. I guess Madonna isn’t capable of putting on a show by herself. She must subject us to trashy entertainers, which, in this case, she wasn’t. Let’s bring the bands back for a good clean halftime show.

Be Charitable, Boys

The Republicans have to stop trash talking each other. Unite. Get behind a candidate capable of replacing our inept President. I was glad to see Rick Santorum win three states. I personally believe he’s the only candidate the GOP has with a real possibility of getting President Obama out of office. If we are to survive as a great and free nation, we must have new leadership in Washington, from the President down.

Presently, dictator Obama has the Catholic church and other churches on his case as he tries to shove his anti- American ideals down our throats. At present, I believe, we are still a free nation. We should be able to enjoy the freedom of religion.

If you want your contraceptives and abortions paid for, don’t work for a religious organization that believes it’s wrong. You are not being forced to work for a church organization. Given time, President Obama might change that too.

It’s up to us to solve the problems in our government. No one in Washington can accomplish the task.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net