When we returned last month from three weeks in Europe, I had
the worst experience ever at the hands of the TSA in Washington-
Dulles Airport, which prompted this poem.
I've written a hot letter to the TSA with names and badge
numbers….adding to the list of complaints that appears to be
growing longer by the day.
We hope to be back at the later City Council meetings this
year…after some more surgical ventures. The parts sure do
wear out!
Home again from foreign shores,
We’re in America once more
It’s good to be back in the USA,
Except for our treatment by the TSA.
The Transportation Security Authority
Says our safety is its first priority
But they certainly seem to have little proclivity
To respect elderly citizens with disabilities.
Those of us with replacement parts,
Or replacement valves within our hearts,
Are singled out for special “treatment,”
Taken aside to stand on the pavement
Without our shoes on cold tile floors,
We shiver and shake; can we take any more?
More such treatment from the TSA,
Who bully us every step of the way.
We little old grandmothers with hair so gray
Don’t look like terrorists in any way.
Yet we are pushed and prodded and made to stand,
With arms held out as they move their wand
Over our bodies, legs, arms and heart
To determine if it really is a replacement part.
Finding that what we said was true,
They’re not satisfied and continue to do
Their “search,” patting bodies from bottom to top,
Threatening to arrest us if our tired arms drop.
We’ve served our country in many ways –
Earned the right to respect in our golden days,
Not such poor treatment at the hands of our government
Leaving us to shake our heads in wonderment
TSA should give their process a good close look
To change the methods that they now use,
And ensure that their personnel follow the book
For in our minds, S.A. now stands for “Senior Abuse”.