Home OP-ED What I Love

What I Love


[img]1325|left|Alex Campbell ||no_popup[/img]Dateline Boston — 1. I’m a wife.

2. I’m a nanny.

3. It’s apple-picking season.

4. Due to my new work schedule, my husband is often home before I am; consequently, he makes dinner at least three times a week.

5. Also, I get to wake up later now.

6. I signed up for yoga again.

7. I beat JW in Words with Friends, a goal I’ve had for about four months.

8. I have a new friend.

9. It’s almost Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas.

10. I’m still writing, after all these years.

What do you love?

Ms. Vaillancourt may be contacted at snobbyblog@gmail.com