Home OP-ED What Cain and Obama Have in Common

What Cain and Obama Have in Common


Ah, now I see the connecting rod.

The filmy, beclouded 9-day-old charges against Herman Cain form the twin brother to Swish Obama’s foggy, clarity-defying belief system.

Do we know what Swish believes about anything socially important today —


Gay marriage?

The death penalty?

Going to war — in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Arizona?

His human shields in the liberal media have deflected all such questions.

But Mr. Cain’s presence ruins the Democrat/Victocrat (with apologies to Larry Elder) narrative that Republicans are anti-black.

If, by some incredible longshot happenstance, Mr. Cain should recover from the present liberal media-induced “crisis” and go on to win the Presidential nomination, it ruins the Democrats’ fairy tale narrative and it removes Swish’s last standing claim to uniqueness, his half-blackness.

Sorry, bub.

That is why Democrats and the rest of the Angry Left fear Mr. Cain.

Except for the painted hag who went public yesterday, alongside her ubiquitous Madam, all we know about the “sexual harassment” charges stems from liberal journalists, in the bag for Swish, and anonymous women.

Mr. Cain’s mistake was in overthrowing the Democrat plantation masters of his younger days and thinking for himself. You don’t find that principle among black Democrats. They do what they are told. From above where it is very white.