[Editor’s Note: The President of the Teachers Union sent the following letter to his members this morning, and it is reproduced with his permission.]
Friends —
Just a quick reminder that CCFT is kicking off a “Wear Red on Wednesdays” tradition tomorrow as a way of showing solidarity as a union. Feel free to break out that red CCFT tee shirt.
Or if that's not your style, find something red from the closet. In unity there is strength!
As to the ongoing calendar issue, I'm meeting today with [Assn. of Classified Employees] ACE president Debbie Hamme and [Human Resources] HR Director Leslie Lockhart. Our position is simple. Sixty-four percent of teachers wanted the “Labor Day to late June” calendar, and we bargained accordingly.
I've signed off on the calendar on behalf of CCFT; Debbie Hamme has signed off on behalf of ACE; and Leslie Lockhart has signed off on behalf of CCUSD. The Board's role is not to advocate their own preferences; their role is to approve what has come out of the bargaining process.
If the incoming Board refuses to approve what has been bargained, we are prepared to file an “Unfair Labor Practice” charge with PERB, the Public Employment Relations Board.
When management teams sign agreements with employee unions, refusing to approve those agreements is a violation called “bad faith bargaining.”
We will insist that CCUSD follow the law and approve the work schedule that the majority of teachers asked us to bargain.
P.S.: Thanks to all who have emailed me about the calendar and have encouraged us to insist that CCUSD honor bargained agreements.
Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org