Home OP-ED We Wish Read Skelton a Speedy Recovery

We Wish Read Skelton a Speedy Recovery


In the Los Angeles Titanic, page 2 is the burial ground for their most incoherent commentators, those who make no sense to anyone except their disbarred therapists and pet canaries.  The connection is called Family Ties.
I believe George Skelton, the Titanic’s twice-weekly essayist from Sacramento,  may be a liar. It appears he fabricated letters in yesterday’s essay, especially his showcase email, to conform to his maniacal thesis that it is useless to fight government tyranny because government will win every time. Therefore, dear readers, Georgie urges all non-liberals to surrender their arms and trust government to behave.

Too many take the Second Amendment literally, he contends.
A  drooling left-wing extremist who specializes in bonehead ideas that even make children smile, Georgie’s latest hobby horse is gun “control,” accent on the latter term.
Ah Want Yer Guns ­– Signed, Georgie
He launched his preposterous thesis in yesterday’s essay:
No need for any American to own a gun because he irrationally fears the government will turn tyrannical, per our Founding Fathers. The federal government is our reliable friend, Georgie wrote. Anyone who disagrees either is balmy or flirting with Alzheimer’s, as Georgie appears to be.
Under the headlines “Dorner case shows folly of armed fight with government,” and “Citing 2nd Amendment right to battle ‘tyranny’ is baseless rationale,” Georgie specializes in disciplined, restrained language.
I quote:
“The idea that we should allow citizens to be as well armed as the police – and unfortunately too many are armed better – is simply idiotic.”
Ponder that.

Normal people – non-liberals – should not be allowed to own guns because, he contends insistently, the government loves us. It never has betrayed us, and it never will.
Like a good little mechanical left-winger, Georgie resorted to the Left’s favorite pastime, mocking.
To buttress his stance, Georgie published a series of likely bogus emails, topped off by one that he surely composed himself. Georgie identified the author as a “woman” named “Pam.” How quaint.
Leftists are so unimaginative, so predictable.  “Pam,” wrote Georgie, “is a right-wing racist.”  On cue, he went on, eighth-grade style, to type a string vulgarities that not even Swish could swallow.
Georgie saved his blockbuster argument for confiscating all guns owned by non-government people for the south end of his north-bound essay:
“All those tens of millions of high-powered weapons out there – stacked in arsenals to fight off tyranny – are available for criminals to steal or to be wielded by nut jobs like Dorner.”
Darn, I wish I had realized that if I didn’t have my arsenal, bad guys would grow discouraged at the dearth of guns and convert into moral giants.
Georgie, we wish you a speedy recovery.