Home OP-ED Wave the Horsey’s Tail. Hermosa Beach Wins the Hee-Haw Title.

Wave the Horsey’s Tail. Hermosa Beach Wins the Hee-Haw Title.


In a modest attempt to wrest the Most Easily Bamboozled championship away from the chronically unemployed race hustlers in the Florida burg of Sanford, the chronically maritally unemployed environmentalists in the burg of Hermosa Beach have committed another sin against the normal people of the world.

Two nights ago, three dim bulbs on the Hermosa Beach City Council – Mayor Howard Fishman, Councilmen Jeff Duclos – simultaneously picked each other’s noses with both hands.

Afterward, they voted to forever ban styrofoam food packages – or until sensible Council persons are elected to undo the frippery-laden nonsense.

The three reportedly were led to their cars blindfolded after the meeting – or maybe the onlookers were blindfolded.

As spokesperson for the Hermosa Beach chapter of the Easily Bamboozled, Mr. Duclos maintained a fairly straight face during a solemn pronouncement:

“This is not something that should be trivialized,” he said about something that should be trivialized.

“It’s a serious problem,” he said about the imaginary “problem.”

Styrofoam “has been habitual for years and years,” was Mr. Duclos’s dazzling, insightful analysis of a successful scare campaign dreamed up by hometown Easily Bamboozleds in honor of April Fool’s Day, only to have City Hall take their joke seriously.

The Daily Breeze reports that the Washington division of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, known as the Environmental Protection Agency, has issued the following health warnings to all liberal Americans:

Long-term exposure (possibly meaning more than a hundred years’ worth) could lead to headaches, fatigue, depression, hearing loss and possibly cancer.

Now, dear friends, you know why the Angry Left is.

Just wait until the government learns that blackouts lead to a regional spike in pregnancies, pointedly among women.