Home OP-ED Walsh & Where: I Am Waiting, Gay Guys

Walsh & Where: I Am Waiting, Gay Guys


Sodomite Suppression Act Blowback. If state Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris, U.S. Senate candidate, fails to stop this outrageously homophobic petition, be assured this website will sponsor an Anti-Sodomite Suppression petition.

Those numerous Mainstream Media closeted self-hating gays are sure to ignore the above pledge!

But we are dead serious about our website’s course of radical action,

Meanwhile MSM at-large continues to dishonestly treat this literally murderous attack on all gays as if it were some silly joke.

We plan to fight fire with fire!

If the Gay Haters’ master plan is to legalize the wholesale murder of gays, both residents and tourists, we @ hollywoodhighlands.org plan to circulate a counter petition that legalizes the wholesale murder of homophobes who dare to sign the Sodomite Suppression petition.

Their names and addresses will be available to the general public under California law.

Tit for tat.

Los Angeles gay leaders like Councilmen Bonin & O’Connell oddly remain timidly silent.

They are waiting to gauge which way the wind is blowing.

If the court system ultimately trips up our brave Anti-Homophobe Atty. Gen. Ms. Kamala Harris, then let the mutually murderous signature gathering begin.

(Only in California! God help us!)

Plus…Don’t be surprised in the least when a planet-wide gay boycott of California quickly takes shape in reaction.

Not one state elected official so far has condemned this Sodomite Suppression Petition with the notable exception of Ms. Kamala Harris.

No one including our longtime asexual Gov. Brown! Is he neutral…or maybe just plain neuter ?

For shame.

Posted @Hollywooddems.org & soon to be posted on jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com!

hollywoodhighlands.org & Tweeting @Hollywooddems