Home OP-ED Walsh & Where: Hiccup! I’ll Have One More Drink

Walsh & Where: Hiccup! I’ll Have One More Drink

Former Mayor Richard Riordan

Poor ex-Los Angeles Times political columnist Bill Boyarsky had his hands more than full trying to rein in Hizzoner From the Past.

Hizzoner From the Past must have had a few stiff drinks earlier in the day. This always makes Dick a little goofy in public.

However, ex-Mayor Riordan was, shall we say, reluctant, yesterday on stage at the USC Norris Theatre

During the deadly dull — with this notable exception — L.A. Times Book Festival, ex-Mayor Riordan tried to resist delving into the full-scale Riordan Family Rebellion.

Family has erupted over Dick’s brand new last will and testament.

The Riordan book leaves half of his fortune, estimated in the hundreds of millions, to the Catholic Church.

This comes at the profound monetary expense of his surviving children, who are struggling financially.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at Jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com. Tweeting @Hollywooddems