Home OP-ED Vietnam Vets’ Leaders Will Attend Sept. 29 Town Hall

Vietnam Vets’ Leaders Will Attend Sept. 29 Town Hall


[img]2740|right|John Rowan||no_popup[/img]John Rowan, National President and CEO of the highly respected Vietnam Veterans of America, Veterans service organization, will attend the Sept. 29 VA Town Hall meeting at the Los Angeles VA.  Mr. Rowan will be traveling from the East Coast, which underscores his commitment and the importance of this meeting open for the benefit of all Veterans and their families.
Dick Southern, Region 9 Director of VVA, will be attending. His region covers California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines. He will be traveling from Northern California to attend this major VA Town Hall.
Dean Gotham, VVA's Northern Vice President of California, will also be present.
[img]2739|left|Dick Southern||no_popup[/img]Congratulations, gentlemen, on leading by example as these Veterans service organization leaders are going to great lengths to join their fellow Veterans in Los Angeles, in accordance with VA Secretary McDonald's invitation for all Veterans be heard. 
Hopefully, all  service organization leaders will attend this very important Town Hall even though the VA is inconveniently holding it on a Monday from 12 to 2 PM in a room that only holds 250. Nearly 500,000 Veterans live in Los Angeles County, plus 350,000 in Orange County)
It's rather obvious that the local VA officials are not going out of their way to make this a Veteran-friendly meeting. Don’t let that stop you from attending.
Every Veteran and his/her family or beneficiaries are invited. The meeting is open to the local media.
[img]2738|right|Dean Gotham||no_popup[/img]Invite every Veteran you know to attend this Town Hall in Room 1281 at the VA Wadsworth Hospital, Building 500 –11301 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 90073.
Looking forward to a very large turnout with productive results for every Veteran.
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com