Home OP-ED Veterans to March for 173rd Straight Sunday

Veterans to March for 173rd Straight Sunday


Fellow Veterans and friends of Veterans:



What do the American Revolution and the Veterans Revolution have in common?

The Declaration of Independence had to be fought for and defended through the American Revolution. It took more than eight years to put this noble document into force

The Declaration of Enforcement is being fought for and defended through the Veterans Revolution.

For 172 consecutive Sundays, 40 consecutive months, the Old Veterans Guard has been waging this battle with the VA bureaucrats, wealthy homeowners and corrupt politicians.

The American Revolution involved the protection of thirteen colonies.

The Veterans Revolution involves the protection of the Veterans Home.

Attached is the Declaration of Enforcement, to protect, preserve and defend the Congressional Act of 1887 and the Legal Deed of 1888 to the National Veterans Home.

Please read and support this important document. Write back with your approval. You do not have to be a Veteran. Become a “Citizen Soldier” and endorse your approval.

Meantime, please join us on Sunday, between 1 and 4, in front of the National Veterans Home, West Los Angeles, for our 173rd consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans Land” and to “Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home.”

We will be at the northeast corner of Wilshire and San Vicente boulevards, west of the 405 Freeway, adjacent to Brentwood.

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com
