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Union, District Meet Today

Why the Teachers Balked
But the Teachers Union appear to object to the fact that when the spouse does qualify, the cap for a single person ($3,207 annually) will still be in effect. Earlier, only the teacher was going to be covered with retiree health benefits.
Asst. Supt. Patty Jaffee told thefrontpageonline.com late Monday that “this is a wonderful agreement for the teachers.”

Two Dry Years?
The last contract between the 350-member Teachers Union and the School District expired two years ago. The District has offered teachers a one percent raise for last school year and four percent for this school year. Although the union rank-and-file rejected the contract on that basis last winter, members since have changed their minds.
Last week, Teachers Union President David Mielke said he would approach District Supt. Dr. Laura McGaughey about a summit meeting between just the two of them. But Dr. McGaughey said she never has heard from Mr. Mielke.
Meanwhile, Ms. Jaffee, the lead negotiator for the School District, said she goes into Tuesday’s session in an “optimistic” state of mind. “But then I am always optimistic,” she said. This will be the third session for the two camps with a professional mediator, whose presence has been valuable. Sources said that at the pivotal May 12 bargaining session, she convinced the District to fatten its retiree health benefits offer, a move that was convincing — for several days anyway.