Home OP-ED Unhappy Adventures in Moral Etiquette

Unhappy Adventures in Moral Etiquette


Dateline Dayton — Last Sunday we took our granddaughter, along with her sister and our son, to breakfast, celebrating Julia’s eleventh birthday.

Across from me was a couple with their mentally and physically handicapped daughter. The girl was older and seated next to her dad, who was taking very good care of her, gently wiping her mouth and hands when needed.

Although difficult to understand, dad had no problem, even planting a kiss on her cheek a couple of times. This was so refreshing, to see a father paying attention to the needs of his daughter when, so often, the care of children is left to mom.

One of many things I don’t understand is why mom has to take the son to the restroom when dad just sits there. The opposite also is true. Recently, we witnessed a dad taking his daughters to the restroom, using the women’s side. This is wrong. If mom can’t take them, dad should use the men’s room. I must wonder about the intentions of this male, in this situation. I would not want my wife or daughter to be in there with him.

They Ought to Have Licenses

You may recall in previous essays I have suggested that a license should be required to have children. I have found an ally, of all people, in Dear Abby. While in the library (bathroom) Monday morning, I happened to read her column. The question came from a mother/grandmother concerned about the amount of time her daughter was spending texting, to the neglect of her child.

Included in Abby’s answer was the comment “It’s a shame that before couples are allowed to conceive they aren’t forced to take parenting classes.”.

Exactly what I believe is necessary when I suggest that a license should be required to have children. It wouldn’t be like getting a marriage license, although I believe a training class could be helpful. My suggestion would require both male and female to take a parenting class.

I must admit I never gave the marriage license requirement a thought. That would be the perfect opportunity to see parenting training is provided. There could be a question on the marriage license application asking if you plan on having children, have you completed the parenting class.

If they answer no, no license would be issued.

I realize that would not cover the children born out of wedlock. It would be up to an understaffed, overworked social agency to see that the training is provided, prior to the child being allowed to placed in the birth mother’s care.

This would require a large foster care program to care for the child until the caregiver has completed the training. Isn’t the well-being of a child worth the expenses and inconvenience?

How much does it cost taxpayers today to care for all the children abused, injured and even worse, bury those who have been killed?

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net