Home OP-ED Two Teacher Furlough Days Disappear

Two Teacher Furlough Days Disappear


[Editor’s Note: Mr. Mielke, President of the Teachers Union, filed this report to members.]


I'm happy to report that the Teachers Union has come to an agreement with CCUSD to restore two of the six furlough days we agreed to last spring.

At Tuesday night's School Board meeting, CCUSD reported that it closed its books this year with about $1.5 million over its projected ending balance. At that meeting, I suggested these funds could be used to restore some of the furlough days.

Board members responded affirmatively, and the District proposed the restoration of two days on Wednesday.

You will recall that when we agreed to the six furlough days last spring we bargained “snap-back” language, which would trigger the restoration of furlough days depending on new revenues coming into CCUSD.

The District’s proposal of restoring two days is more generous than that language requires, so we want to thank them for that.

Given that they are restoring more days than the agreement requires, we have agreed that they can choose which particular days to restore.

As a result: The four furlough days this year for K-12 and Adult School teachers are:


Office of Child Development teachers: 9/1/11, 9/2/11, 1/30/12, 5/25/12 We're moving quickly on this so that adjustments can be made in time for the Oct. 1 paychecks.

Don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.

Mr. Mielke may be contacted at davidmielke@ccusd.org