Home OP-ED Two Anti-Fracking Protests Today by MoveOn.org

Two Anti-Fracking Protests Today by MoveOn.org


Subject: Anti-fracking rally this afternoon at Gov. Brown's fundraiser

Dear MoveOn member,

Gov. Brown will be in Los Angeles this afternoon for a high-dollar fundraising event for his 2014 re-election campaign, and we've got two opportunities to keep up the pressure on him to ban fracking in California.

MoveOn members will join allies from CREDO and the Center for Biological Diversity this afternoon at 5 o’clock for a rally at Holmby Park, near the fundraiser (601 Club View Dr., Bel Air), to get Gov. Brown's attention and demand a ban on fracking.

Already 32 MoveOn members have said they'd attend, and our goal is to have 50 people there. Can you come out to this important event, and invite a few friends?

We've been bird-dogging Gov. Brown across the state to get him to drop his support of fracking – and we're getting his attention.

At an event in the Bay Area earlier this month, the San Jose Mercury News reported that anti-fracking activists “As part of an increasingly energetic campaign… have begun picketing and protesting the governor whenever he appears.”

When he visited San Diego last week, he was greeted by voters calling for a moratorium on fracking. The nightly news covered the protest.

We'll have signs, chant sheets, and flyers to pass out – all you need to bring is yourself and a few friends.  Click here to let us know you'll be there.

P.S. Gov. Brown will be in Santa Monica at 12 noon at the Milken Institute’s California Summit, 1250 Fourth St. Can you also join us there? RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/612749045452251/