Home OP-ED Turning a Defeated Victory Into a Victorious Defeat

Turning a Defeated Victory Into a Victorious Defeat


Dateline Portland – ­ When a White House administration is ringed by a droolingly sycophantic media, supremely brazen acts routinely are stripped of their cynicism before being filtered to the unsuspecting hoi polloi as merely more worry-free pablum.

And so when the sly Obama White House suffered another shocking defeat this week with the dreaded legislative abortion known   derisively as ObamaCare, the President’s minions arrogantly, confidently presented it to the unwashed as a victory.

Retrenchment, retreat, surrender boldly was called a huge win, and si far that is holding up.

As the accused rapist Mr. Clinton used to ask, “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”  With the White House/IRS record for truthfulness, who but a fool would entertain a doubt?

Surely in the red, white and blue week of the Fourth of July, no loyal American would suspect trickery-prone President Obama of deceiving them. Didn’t he look us straight in the teleprompter and swear that was beneath his rubbery ethical threshold?

When Has He Been Wrong?

The Willing, who embrace the infallibility of Mr. Obama mainly because of his skin color,  swallowed the swill as if it were the same sugar-free soda they drink every day.
Last Monday night, while the play-centric President was off the continent on another meaningless campaign trip, bouncing soccer balls off his head, a team of low visibility minions was converting a political disaster into a potential shining victory.

If he pulls it off, President Obama deserves an Oscar for selling political trash as treasure, turning a likely string of 2014 Democrat mid-term defeats into a liberal wipeout of Republicans.

For six years, the key to Obama success has remained constant: Always, without exception, do the unexpected.

For three years, ObamaCare has been less popular than cancer with all dimensions of Americana except for academics and welfare recipients, two sectors who throb with commonalities.

Protestations arose the breadth of the land over the most oppressive, lopsided mandates of the political cancer ObamaCare. It is widely agreed that it is the fiscal equivalent of the return of slavery.

One of the most audacious, freedom-robbing stipulations forces businesses with 50 or more fulltime employees to provide their health insurance. From Oregon, where we are holidaying this weekend, to Maine, entrepreneurs partial to retaining their incomes, have been erupting hourly in fury. Blankets of bleatings have been so dizzyingly voluble that they have interrupted President Obama’s vacations, though no amount of discord truly could affect them.

He Has Been Here Before

Mr. Obama, a star of missteps and therefore a veteran at crisis management, had the answer in conniving consultation with his Secretary of Lousy Health, Kathleen Sebelius.  In a series of equally astounding and shrewd political moves, the exempted more than 100 of their favorite, most threatening union-affiliated political allies from ugly requirement.

Fair to you and me? Pal, it never is politically polite to ask.

And so last Monday, several trustees from Mr. Obama’s Confederation of Dunces, spurning an embarrassing verbal announcement, put their hands over their muffled mouths and mumbled in an emailed press release, cough, cough, choke, choke, that henceforth, all businesses with 50 or more employees blah, blah would be exempted for one year (until after Democrats safely were elected/re-elected in 2014’s crucial mid-terms).

Instead of Jan. 1, 2014 being the first date of enforcement by the honest criminals at the IRS, opening day would be dropped back a year, to Jan. 1, 2015.

Outside of the reliably honest Wall Street Journal, America’s largest circulation print newspaper, I know of no other print media that recognized the gutter-level cynicism of the move that only would have been worthy of the Egyptian terrorist Morsi, Mr. Obama’s ill-picked pal.

Mr. Obama’s toadies in the media barely looked up from their bootlicking to deny the cynicism of his latest ugly stunt.

The New York Times, America’s most influential newspaper, led the chorus of Know-Nothings with this ignorant opening line in yesterday’s editorial, under the headline

“A one-year delay in requiring companies to offer health insurance makes sense”:

“The Obama administration made a reasonable decision this week to give employers another year before they will be required to make available affordable health insurance to their workers or pay a fine.”

Conceding that heretofore virginal ObamaCare actually is flawed, the Times reliably ignored the obvious reason for the calculated slickery and rationalized that retooling is needed.

In closing, the august Times leftists  sniffed, “It is more important to do this right than to do it quickly.”

Yeah, right, pal.