Home OP-ED Tuck Away This Name to Mark in the June 3 Primary

Tuck Away This Name to Mark in the June 3 Primary


There is no spinning the sad facts about California’s schools. Our students are ranked 45th in the nation in reading and math proficiency. Two and a half million children – one out of every three students in California – aren’t able to read or write at grade level.

We are failing our children, but there is hope. His name is Marshall Tuck.

He is running for California’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. This non-partisan post is California’s schools chief who oversees the Dept. of Education. Deciding who runs this office is one of the important votes you will cast in the June 3 primary.

The son of a school teacher, Mr. Tuck is a true education advocate with an impressive record. He has increased graduation rates, improved student achievement, and turned around failing schools in some of the roughest and poorest neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Some say it can’t be done, but he already has done it.

Mr. Tuck most recently served as the founding CEO of the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools, former Mayor Villaraigosa’s collaboration with L.A. Unified to operate 17 troubled schools.

Under Mr. Tuck’s leadership, four-year graduation rates increased by over 60 percent, student attendance improved markedly, and a program that became a national model for increasing parental involvement in education was created. The Partnership schools rank No. 1 in academic improvement among school systems with more than 10,000 students over the past five years.

Mr. Tuck has a detailed and thoughtful plan for improving California’s schools for all our children. Visit his webpage to read it for yourself: http://www.marshalltuck.com/Plan After you do, I hope you’ll consider joining me in supporting him.

Mr. Bloomfield, a former Congressional candidate, may be contacted at postmaster@bloomfield.2dialog