Home OP-ED Trying to Solve the Confusion Between 30 and 38

Trying to Solve the Confusion Between 30 and 38


(See pdf below)

Dear Friends:

Confused about the differences between Prop. 30 and Prop. 38, the competing initiatives that promise to raise billions of dollars for California public schools?

You are not alone.

To help reduce voter confusion, EdSource, founded to clarify complex education issues, has produced an infographic to clarify for voters what we regard as the main similarities and differences between the two measures.

You can view the infographic on EdSource's website here, or download a PDF here.

As best we can determine, no one has attempted to explain a school finance issue in this way, no doubt because of its extraordinary complexity. But because this is without doubt the most important education issue on the November ballot, with billions of dollars at stake with both initiatives, we felt a responsibility to take on the challenge.

Of necessity, the infographic distills the two measures down to what we regard as the most important similarities and differences.

For more detailed information, please consult the Official Voter Information Guide, as well as other analyses such as those produced by the Legislative Analyst's Office, the California Budget Project, the League of Women Voters, and the Silicon Valley Education Foundation. Both Prop. 30 and Prop. 38 also have official campaign websites that provide more information.

We hope you find this infographic helpful. Please feel free to disseminate it or post it online.

Most importantly, be sure to vote on Nov. 6. In addition to all the other issues at stake, the outcome of this election will have a dramatic impact on schools for years to come.

Mr. Freedberg is Executive Director of EdSource, founded in 1977 by the state PTA Assn., the League of Women Voters and the American Assn. of University Women to explain complicated educational issues.
