Home OP-ED Truth, May I Introduce You to a New Fella, Mr. Obama?

Truth, May I Introduce You to a New Fella, Mr. Obama?


Fortunately for the homeless of America, Barney Obama’s true name is not Pinocchio.

Were it, his nose would stretch so far across the country that the unhoused – as Santa Monica advocates prefer to call them – in Colorado would have to transfer to Nevada to accommodate the President’s schnoz.

Since the dainty cowards at the journalistic whorehouses such as The New York Times, the Financial Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times fear being called racists if they cite Mr. Obama’s daily lies, they shrivel into Ted Cooke when he unleashes new whopper.

His not only disrespect but lack of familiarity with truth is a fitting discussion point on the day, mercifully, of his penultimate State of the Union address.

Mr. Obama, on the record, before rolling cameras, lies as easily and routinely as he exhales.

No need to revisit the Obamacare lies, the immigration law lies, fat fibs too numerous to recount, even in cyberspace.

My favorite came a year and a half ago.

This regarded his puerile warning – as Assad well knew – that he was drawing a red line: If Syria employed chemical weapons, by cracky, the line would have been crossed. America would fire back with a vengeance.

I Believe, I Believe. Okay, I Don’t

Michelle stopped believing Barney on their wedding night. Liberals needed a few more years.

Chemical weapons were verified. Line was crossed. Said President Obama: “Change the channel to ESPN.”

His most recent farce has been ongoing negotiations with my candidate for the worst country in the world, Iran.
Mr. Obama had the bright idea of making nicey-nice with the evil mullahs. He dialed Rent-a-Secretary and dispatched foppish Johnny Kerry, always up for a good lie.

Harsh, effective sanctions were relaxed.

“Give me six months,” said Mr. Obama. “If we don’t have an agreement, the old sanctions will be restored.”

Fourteen months and at least two broken pledges later, the Iranians continue to build nuclear weapons, an agreement appears as distant as the 22nd century, not even their spouses trust the Iranian terrorists, President Obama sups beer and says, “Try a different ESPN channel.”