Home OP-ED Thursday Will Be Prop. 98, Prop. 99 Day at the Julian Dixon...

Thursday Will Be Prop. 98, Prop. 99 Day at the Julian Dixon Library


As always when statewide ballot measures rear their ugly and confusing heads, the League of Women Voters is standing by to help you understand them.

Prop. 98 and Prop. 99 — two very different takes on eminent domain restriction — look very much alike at first glance.

Because there are only two ballot measures in this election, a lot of voters are thinking they can wait till the night before the June 3 election and just give them a quick once-over.

Last Wednesday night in West Hollywood, however, we learned just how contentious these two propositions are.

For those of you in Culver City and environs, there’s an easier alternative.

Come to the Community Room of the Julian Dixon Library on Thursday morning at about 11:45.

We’ll present an interview that brings out the salient points about Prop. 98 and Prop. 99, and use the library’s free wifi to show you how to get more election info (on candidates and issues) on line — chiefly from the League’s Smart Voter site.

Frances Talbott-White is Southern California Liaison for Smart Voter (smartvoter.org), a 12-year-old voter aid program of the League of Women Voters.