Home OP-ED Three Small Syllables, Mr. President. You Can Do It.

Three Small Syllables, Mr. President. You Can Do It.

Victims of the Armenian Genocide

Driving his puerile penchant for pettiness through a series of stop signs without blinking yesterday, President Obama, oblivious to the obvious not for the first time, spat on the grieving Armenian community. He acted formfully, as if Obama promises are born to meet premature deaths.

The diapered child inside the president came out aloof, the way it usually does with the former leader of the free world He specializes in flaunting painfree passivity and gargle-throated arrogance.

Increasingly despised by the people he was elected to govern, Mr. Obama loftily let it be known, second-hand, through a flunky publicist, that he would not publicly label the Armenian Genocide as genocide, a hugely important advance for Armenians and all right-minded people.


Only his manicurist knows.

He worries about offending the authors of the astonishing Armenia Genocide, the filthy-handed Turks.

He does not care about Armenians.

Friday will mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of Turkey’s vicious vendetta for which it never has paid or apologized, a massacre of 1.5 million Armenians.

But then Mr. Obama never was the sentimental type. Deceit and incompetence flow more naturally within him.

His reason for refusing to utter “Armenian Genocide” — just as his slippery tongue freezes when he should say “Islamic terrorist” — is a hushed matter. Slyly he keeps it within himself in his daily escapist travels about the world. Today he was in the Everglades, preferring, as he does, to flee Washington on all days ending in d-a-y.

Deceitfulness is more comfortable within this disagreeable man who chooses secretiveness over candor, not to mention honesty.

The lone logical explanation is, it is his unpleasant nature.

Fearing forthrightness as if it were the first cousin of ebola, the president, typically, declined to explain – except that he prefers sleeping with America’s enemies rather than allies.

Were he as touchy about foreign policy, domestic policy and the trashy people he regularly hangs with, Washington likely would be steering a vastly different – honorable — course across the globe this afternoon.