Home OP-ED This Year – Not Next Year – in Jerusalem

This Year – Not Next Year – in Jerusalem


[img]96|left|||no_popup[/img] Dateline Southern California — Shopping in the States for all the things I can't find in Israel or that cost one-third the price I would pay there has been a fun experience. If only I could ship a container on the flight home to carry all the items I would have loved to have bought that were too heavy or too cumbersome. As it is, I am going to have to pay for extra baggage and overweight baggage. There is more of a variety of kosher food on the shelves of the regular supermarkets in non-Jewish areas than I can find in Israel. This has absolutely been a shopper's delight.

For almost a year I have been craving glatt kosher corned beef on rye bread. I even traveled to Jerusalem to find some. But it was not the same as that in the States where the amount of beef piled high in a sandwich is a good three inches thick, the rye bread is a real “Jewish rye,” the cole slaw is creamy and the pickles are only half-pickled. I went to a deli inside a kosher market and bought six corned beef sandwiches. For over a year I have been craving glatt kosher beef jerky. The kosher section in my daughter's local supermarket had original flavor and teriyaki flavor beef jerky. I purchased all that were there, 12 packages.

My son-in-law kept asking me why I remain in Israel when I get so excited about how life is in the States, about how much I miss my family and being part of my grandchildren's lives. But anyone who comes from the good life of the States, the opportunities, the advantages, and moves to Israel with its harsher lifestyle and actually remains in Israel despite threats from its neighboring countries, knows my answer. My soul is drawn to Israel, I feel I am finally “home,” in the homeland of my ancestors. The presence of G-d is felt 24 hours a day, the miracles are seen everyday. How can mere amenities compare to the spiritual benefits offered by Israel?

Every year at Passover seders throughout the world, Jews say “Next year in Jerusalem.” As far as I am concerned, since Jerusalem is the eternal capitol of the Jewish people, they should all be saying “This year in Jerusalem”.

L'hitraot. Shachar.