Home OP-ED This Is What We Mean About Taking America Back

This Is What We Mean About Taking America Back


[Editor’s Note: An ideal Election Day greeting card. It was sent by one of our most patriotic and favorite correspondents. He is in his second decade as a champion of fighting for America’s military Veterans — a term he believes always should be capitalized.]

Fellow Americans:

What ever happened to American exceptionalism — at being the very best that we could be?

Recall … that after four centuries of the French and Spaniards digging a ditch at the southern tip of Panama, America stepped in and built the great Panama Canal in less than a decade.

Americans built Hoover Dam, the International Freeway System and sent man to the moon and safely back.

Sixty-five years ago, America's Military liberated the world.

Our U.S. Constitution is the best document ever written to ensure this nation can be the freest and safest place in the world to live and that our citizens will have an equal opportunity to become the very best that they can be.

Today America has become the best at allowing illegal aliens to come in and take over our country, essentially stealing from our citizens.

Today America is the best at having the worst politicians.

California once had the best freeways, schools and hospitals in the nation. Today California has the worst freeways, schools and hospitals.

Today California ranks first at having the worst.

In Los Angeles, we have the largest National Veterans Home in the nation. Yet we have the largest population of homeless Veterans in the nation because their sacred land is being given away for non-Veteran use.

In Los Angeles, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority recently approved building 9 miles of subway that will cost more than $6 billion and take more than 10 years to build, and it will not reduce gridlock when completed.

American exceptionalism has taken on a new meaning today as we've become exceptional at being the worst.

This is no longer the America where our ancestors migrated so that their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren would benefit from their sacrifices so that we could become the best that we could be.

Read below about American exceptionalism in the rescue of 33 Brazilian miners.

Will you give your very best and vote out all the anti-America politicians on Nov. 2?

Will you work together with fellow Americans to restore American Exceptionalism to being the very best that we can be?

God Bless America!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com