Home OP-ED Think Less About What You Want, More About Helping Others

Think Less About What You Want, More About Helping Others


Some of my clients ask me for simple motivation techniques. We often do not realize the significance of how we talk to others or, more importantly, how we talk to ourselves.

Most people’s self-talk is generally negative. Of course there are exceptions, and those people enjoy the greatest success.

A small sample: Have you ever noticed how you say to yourself and others you “have to” do a certain thing? They do not realize they are creating a chore for themselves.

Who will be more successful? The person who gets out of bed in the morning and says “I have to go to work today”? Or the person who wakes up and says  “I want to go to work today”?

“Want to” becomes a desire.

Here are other gems that may help you to change you negative attitudes and self-talk to something that will help you to generate greater success, prosperity.

Choose what you want to do, really want.

A New Vision

Picture it. Live it. Be it. Breathe it. Believe it, and you will be it.

Every day take action on your goals, no matter how small.

Believe it can be done. Really believe.

Eliminate the word “impossible” from your vocabulary.

Develop “I can do it” and the “how to do it” materializes. Plan the work. Work the plan.

Don’t think failure. Think success.

Allow “I will succeed” to dominate your thoughts

Never sell yourself short.

Think big. Big goals are as easy as small goals.

Excusitis is the failure disease.

My health isn’t good.

I don’t feel good.

Something is wrong with me.

Don’t talk about your health.

Refuse to worry it.

Be grateful about your health, More people are worse off than you.

It’s better to wear out than rust out.

Primacy of Attitudes

The thinking that guides your intelligence is more important than how much intelligence you have.

Stickabibility is 95 percent of ability.

My attitudes are more important than my intelligence.

I am going to start now. My best years are ahead.

No one is born with confidence or self-esteem. They are acquired through practice. The more you do to reach your goal, confidence builds. You see yourself taking action and succeeding.

Talk about your daily successes, no matter how small.

Isolate your fear. Pin it down. Determine exactly what you are afraid of or blocked by. Then  take action. There is of action for any kind of fear or block.  Find it.

Remember, hesitation only enlarges the fear. Act promptly. Be decisive.

Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank.

Get a balanced view of others.

Develop an understanding attitude.

Action cures fear.

Refuse to recall unpleasant events.

Put people in their proper perspective. People are more alike than different.

Develop an understanding attitude.

Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right.

Let everything about you say “I am confident, really confident.”

At a seminar or educational session, be a front-seater.

Practice eye contact.

Walk 25 percent faster.

Practice speaking up.

Smile big.

Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. Do what you fear and fear disappears.

Remember this acronym: Face Everything And Recover.

Tomorrow or next week, similar words are synonymous with the failure word “never.”

Be an “I’m starting right now” person.

Think now.

Use big and cheerful phrases to describe how you feel and to describe others.

Never say anything bad about a person. Find the good. Say that.

Remember: You create more fun and financial success when you think less about what you want, more how to help others get what they want.

Stay positive. Have a great day.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net