Home OP-ED The Problems with Los Angeles Continue to Mount

The Problems with Los Angeles Continue to Mount


So, once again, the city of Los Angeles is taking matters into its own hands. Sometimes I feel that those hands are the older hands of Allstate.

They fold in on us, crushing our quality of life.

Remember when Los Angeles was a nice place to live?

So look at what is still happening:

The City Council committee met to discuss the medical marijuana ordinance, as proposed.

Once again, turning its back on the recommendations of their City Attorney, they punted the ball, hoping that when, not if, they screw it up again, it can end up in court, cost the city millions of dollars it does not have, and hope that someone smarter than they will make the decision.

(See the quotes below)

(From a recent Los Angeles Times article.)

The District Attorney said his office already was prosecuting some dispensaries. He promised to step up efforts next month. D.A. Steve Cooley said he decided to weigh in today because he was irritated that the City Council had ignored the advice of the City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich.

“What the City Council is doing is beyond meaningless and irrelevant,” Cooley said.

“These guys over there, God love them, are four years into this, and they won’t listen to their good lawyer,” Cooley said. “They’re sort of doing their own thing.”

[Updated at 12:58 p.m. the same day.]
Councilman Ed Reyes, who has overseen the development of the city’s ordinance, said he did not think Cooley’s comments would cause the Council to rethink whether to allow sales. “This is not about Cooley vs. Reyes, or Cooley vs. the Council. This is about the quality of life. We all have better things to do than to do this legal jousting,” he said. Reyes said the law was not clear on the issue. “We’ll let the courts decide,” he said.

Changing the Subject

Now let’s talk about billboards:

The industry seems to be trying to figure out how to switch their hands from one pocket to the next.

The City Council members, seeing that the federal court has upheld the city position, should have immediately called for all digital billboards to be made dark.

Turn them off.

If you need another opinion on the illegal ones, move forward to get one. (God knows, you won't listen to your City Attorney anyway). But at least shut the billboards off until a final decision is made.

And this from yesterday’s Times:

City lawyers plan to brief Council members as early as next week on the effect of the judge’s ruling. Councilman Ed Reyes said the city would not take any action before that report. Reyes and Council President Eric Garcetti have proposed ordering city officials to “immediately evaluate” whether the 101 digital signs should be removed or modified.

My Reaction

What happened to having a spine?

Why is it our elected officials can't do the job they are highly paid for when smaller cities not only get it done years ahead of us, but for very cheap. One reason is, the councils in most small cities are part time and on stipends.

Look at the committees and their members who consistently prolong the quality of life issues we deal with.

Notice the common denominators…

Now, let’s talk about DWP rate increases.

How about Granny Dwellings?

Better yet, let's not…..

Isn't it time for the citizens to take back our city before it becomes one big pot hole?

Let's begin before it is too late.

Jay Handal, chair of the West L.A. Neighborhood Council and proprietor of San Gennaro Cafe, Brentwood, may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com