Home OP-ED The Power of Change Lies Entirely Within You

The Power of Change Lies Entirely Within You


[img]560|left|Nicholas D. Pollak|remove link|no_popup[/img]When I think about it, “can’t” simply means “won’t.” It is like “have to” and “want to.” These small phrases either slow or build our character, our personalities.

Returning to “have to” and “want to.” What distinguishes one from the other?

Why would I think there is a difference? All my life, I have been saying “have to.”

How can anyone out there tell me what do?

But wait. There is a difference, don’t you think? If you agree, what do you think about what you thought?

Recognize that “have to” is something you would rather not be doing. “Want to” is something you would rather be doing.

A Chore or a Joy? Do you “have to” go to work? Do you “want to”? Which are you?

Do you wake up and groan, “I ‘have to’ go to work?”

Or do you wake up alert, refreshed and “want to”?

Are you using your mind to gain what it is that you want – to be happy, successful, prosperous? It is possible. Want to try an experiment? Next time you put your pants on, notice which leg you put in first. Try putting in the other leg first for the next 21 days. Make this small change.

Put your keys in a new place. Or your bag in a different location. Wear your wristwatch on your other wrist.

Any change will help you understand the process in devising change. It takes time, though. Repetition based on a conscious desire to render a change is only half the task. Well, 10 percent, the amount of conscious thought needed. Ninety percent is our amazing subconscious that must be accepting of the retraining you are expecting.

Our subconscious has learned over and over what makes us happy. It does not distinguish among bad, good, false, real, wrong, right. It only stores the information, giving us what we want when we ask.

How We Are Different

Often we forget this ability. Each of us is where we are because of what we have learned, lived in and applied to our lives. Some like routine. Others, chaos. Some are in between. We always have had a choice. Our choices placed us where we are. Once acknowledged, you will want to test your ability to make a small change.

Like a snowball, once it starts rolling, nothing can stop it. You have learned to tap into the amazing power of your subconscious. You have learned to see what you want, to find out what is needed to reach the objective. Image is equally important, and you will envision a profound image. It must be the you that you want to be, doing what you want. The stronger the image, the more you believe it, live it, act as if it already has occurred. Think about it.

Are you doing what you want or just existing? Is each day “a great day to learn” or “no, not again”?

If you are not where you want to be, understand and use your subconscious. Give it the images, the behaviors you want.

Remember “Pygmalion”? A street walker in Victorian England was given the opportunity to be a lady. The teacher did this as a bet. Eventually, he fell in love with his student. She became something she always wanted to be, but never believed she could. With appropriate education, she achieved her elusive goals.

This has real-life application. Your mind always will give you what you ask. Why limit yourself? Create the success you want for yourself. Learn what it takes. Do it. Every day a small step. If you spend 15 minutes each day toward your goal, that totals 91.25 hours or 3.8 days annually.

Good grief. By the end of the year you could be speaking a new language.

All change is up to you. You determine the correct course of action, how much effort will be expended. Once you have accepted the premise that only you are responsible, your path to success is wide and open.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net