Home OP-ED The Nightmare That Was Christmas

The Nightmare That Was Christmas



T’was the last day of shopping when all through the land;

Automakers were closing while making their plans;

Corporate jets were parked on the runway with care,

­While waiting for St. Barack to take up his chair,

All the bonuses were paid and the bankers all fed,

While the rest of us schmos had visions of dread;

And Madoff in handcuffs: his lies come uncapped

As the markets settled in for a long winter’s nap



With our credit shut off and our teeth all achatter

If you think times are tough now, they’re goin’ to get badder..

Away to the bank I flew to get cash,

Tore open my mattress to search for my stash.

The blood in the streets, my stocks hit a new low

Gone now my portfolio and business cash flow.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear

A drop in my equity, my debt in arrears.


With nary a warning and just a swift kick,

I thought for a moment it must be a trick.

More rapidly the bad news and promises came,

But they were all talk and their bailouts all lame;


Now Paulson, now Bennie, now Barney tried fixen’,

Still the economy in ruins like London aft blitz’en!

From the top of our roofs to the top of the mall;

We pine for new answers and leadership tall.

Less talk and more action, for that we all long;

Swift programs that work like hammer and tong.

Be gone your corrupt and bring on the bold,

So next year a brighter Christmas tale can be told.

John Cohn is a senior partner in the Globe West Financial Group[ based in West Los Angeles. He may be contacted at www.globewestfinancial.com