Home OP-ED The Mayor Came Fashionably Dressed in a Stole (Joke)

The Mayor Came Fashionably Dressed in a Stole (Joke)


A note to Kevin Roderick, editor of laobserved.com, about an item last Friday:

Mayor Antonio is a born thief.

A photo-shopped Mayor Villaraigosa, dressed as the Pope (by Miki Jackson), was posted as a joke on hollywoodhighlands.org a couple of days after Pope Benedict's resignation.

I even got a letter of complaint about insulting the Mayor from Sacramento political blogger Scott Lay.


Look, Mr. Roderick, you'll swallow anything from the Mayor, no matter how unpalatable.

The Galpin Ford joke about Los Angeles City Controller finalist Ron Galperin also was stolen from me by Hizzoner  at the  LaBonge Roast last Thursday evening at the Beverly Hilton.

I first delivered that laugh line on camera during the General Public Comment portion of a City Council meeting after the election. You can check that out at lacity.org.

After the mayor stole jokes from me at the Hilton Roast, he had the colossal nerve to send a pair of gay Beverly Hills Police Dept. cops to arrest me for Roast trespass.

Antonio would have been successful in having me arrested if City Atty. Carmen Trutanich hadn't happened by and flitted the cops away.

Honest. These two gay cops were to-die-for gorgeous .

I mean, one reminded me of Richard Simmons, and the other reminded me of Bill Rosendahl.

Mmmm, girl.  Imagine that.

And then there is this from J.F. Mailander (joseph.mailander@gmail.com):

Hello, John:

I'm glad you're trying to set the record straight in your inimitable way. In fact, on Saturday morning I tweeted:

“Irony of local to L.A. scribes ignoring John Walsh harassment incident is, Walsh makes same kind of barbs pols were offering at LaBonge roast.”

Really, I think someone in local media who is snug in a salary with benefits position should have at least made a phone call to BHPD about the incident.  In recent months, City Council-types have stepped up efforts, often exceedingly clumsy ones, to harass people who write mostly online, while people snug in benefits-land have turned a blind eye to this fact. It is an accelerating trend.

It is local media's shame not to stand up for local media of every stripe when they are harassed. Of course, Christina Gonzales got $1.7 million out of the May Day melee, and for some reason they were all anxious to cover that.

Mr. Walsh may be contacted at jwalshconfidential.wordpress.com