Home OP-ED The Los Angeles Times and the VA Land-Lease Scam

The Los Angeles Times and the VA Land-Lease Scam


Yesterday the Associated Press released an overview story about the West Los Angeles VA terminating three commercial leases it had with non-Veteran organizations on property exclusively deeded as a permanent National Home for Disabled Veterans.

These leases are fraudulent, as are more than 20 other leases and privileged agreements made between the VA and special-interest, non-Veteran entities.

Thus, the VA's cancellation of three of these leases is a major breakthrough for Veterans who have been protesting the long-term misappropriation of our land and the maltreatment of our fellow Veterans who are disabled and disadvantaged.

In brief, the VA's termination of these fraudulent leases is an admission of guilt, not a “change of rules,” as the VA bureaucrats try to conceal. There's only one rule for the VA to abide in —that this land is to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Soldiers. Over and over, , and they have violated this sacred covenant over and over and over.

The foregoing notwithstanding, the Los Angeles Times does not find it newsworthy to report to the public about the VA's essential admission of malfeasance and violation of its fiduciary duty to protect this land for Veterans’ use only. In today's hard-copy issue of the Times, there is nothing about this major news story.

By Comparison, Feh

The corruption that went on at the city of Bell, of which the Times wrote repeatedly, is child's play with monopoly money considering the multi-billion-dollar land fraud and maltreatment of thousands of disabled and disadvantaged homeless Veterans.

For 180 consecutive Sundays, the Old Veterans Guard has been protesting the VA's criminal mismanagement of this sacred land. More than two years ago, we respectfully requested a joint meeting of Veteran leadership with Donna Beiter, the executive director of the VA, to discuss the Deed of 1888 and related matters. She rejected meeting with a group of 13 Veteran leaders representing different Veterans’ organizations.

Instead, and soon thereafter, Ms. Beiter ordered armed VA police to our Sunday Rallies to intervene, harass, intimidate and photograph us, and subsequently arrested me six times with false citations. Eventually, all six of the VA's trumped-up arrests were dismissed in federal court after the ACLU of Southern California agreed to represent me.

Later, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against Ms. Beiter and her chief of police, Ronald Mathis, for viewpoint discrimination. (censorship)

This past May, a federal judge ruled against defendants Beiter and Mathis for violating my Constitutional right under the First Amendment, a federal crime. Both Ms. Beiter and Mr. Mathis are adjudicated federal criminals, yet they continue to be employed by the U.S. government and manage the largest VA in the nation.

It Was Not Voluntary

If any one thinks the VA voluntarily rescinded these leases, such a person is living in fantasyland. A new ACLU lawsuit with Vietnam Veterans of America as a lead plaintiff, including our ongoing Sunday protests, has forced the VA to come clean in order to avoid more criminal prosecution.

This is the tip of the iceberg as the wealth, power and politics behind this greatest land fraud scam in American history will expose prominent and powerful people.

The Times had no problem going after small-time criminals in the city of Bell, but it refuses to open the floodgates and swim with the land sharks in Brentwood and other surrounding wealthy communities that want this Veterans land for a public park and community entertainment center.

Eventually, some reputable news organization will fully investigate and expose this horrendous and one of the most egregious crimes against mankind on American soil, i.e., 20,000 disabled and disadvantaged Veterans being exiled from their legally deeded “home.”

That news organization will be revered for defending the men and women who have defended their own Constitutional right to freedom of the press.

The next big news story will be:

Why did one of the largest newspapers in the nation refuse to fully report on our nation's largest land-fraud scam at the largest VA in the nation, their own backyard?

Why would such a newspaper not expose the culprits behind this crime that has forced 20,000 Veterans to become homeless and make Los Angeles our nation's capital for homeless Veterans?

Perhaps investigating the crime coverup behind the crime will become the next big story.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock, Director, Old Veterans Guard and Director, Veterans Revolution, may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com