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The List


Chanukah is being celebrated and Christmas will be here very soon.

I’m now being asked by my family, what I want for Christmas.

I could use a few things, such as a big screen television, a new wash machine, a better refrigerator, the bathroom remolded.

I also would like to have a truck, and it doesn’t need to be new.

None of the above can be purchased by anyone asking for the information. So I can get by with what I have in each case.

In the small item department, there really isn’t anything that I need.

What can I tell our children?

How about visits where your mother and I are the priority, not just a stop on the way to other things you have scheduled for the day?

One thing I could really use is a day of helping with projects around the house and yard.

It would be nice to get all the work done in one day. It will take me many weekends.

How about going out to eat with us? I am even willing to pick up the check.

Okay these aren’t easy. Just make it socks!

Here is my dream Christmas list:

An end to war and unrest around the world – Peace on earth, goodwill to men.

An end to abortion – children being accepted as a gift from God.

All children enjoying a loving family – an end to child abuse.

Politicians representing the people – not the interests that will fatten their coffers.

Athletes being role models, especially for the younger fans.

Improved health care — everyone having access to the health care of their choice.

An end to violence in our streets, in the military, in our schools and in the workplace.

A job, or meaningful work, for everyone seeking employment.

Food and water for the thirsty and hungry throughout the world.

Yes, there could be more.

However, any of the above would make for a great Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all!

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net