Home OP-ED The Latest Titanic Reporter to Make a Mockery of Ethical Behavior

The Latest Titanic Reporter to Make a Mockery of Ethical Behavior


Sixteen months into President Obama’s fulltime gutter re-election campaign, the final surviving doubt is whether the 98 percent of the media supporting him encourages his lies or whether his lies encourage their unprecedented unethical behavior.

Seamy Mehta, a reporter for the Los Angeles Titanic struggling to build a national reputation, so brazenly offended journalistic ethics in this morning’s edition that she would have had to go into hiding first and then switch careers as recently as a decade ago. She would have been shamed into permanent anonymity.

Desperate to remain operational in a digital age, the Titanic has eliminated ethical rules that formerly guided journalists in producing a respected newspaper. Hence, Seamy’s unseemly public rant on Page 2 of the Late Extra section not only will go unpunished, she may even be rewarded for damaging the brand of her newspaper.

Not only is Seamy a long-running anger management candidate, she is a proud wet-eyed Obama lackey.

When the President says all Republicans and their ideas are gleaming evil, she believes him more than she believed her mother deeply loved her.

In news stories, reporters are to recount events witnessed without asserting their own opinions.

However, this inflexible rule is violated daily and blatantly at the Titanic by reporters who mean to see the President win, no matter how often they must stoop, distort or lie.

Here or Somewhere

Supposedly writing from Ohio – Titanic readers have learned Titanic datelines are not reliable – Seamy reported on Vice President Biden’s racial mocking of blacks yesterday in Virginia when he was putting down Republican opponent Mitt Romney.

Race-obsessed Seamy, feeling her liberal oats, went on to say the following, which would have cost her job even today at many newspapers:

“Democrats are not the first to raise an issue with racial overtones. Romney has never made an overt racial reference, but recently has begun attacking Obama – falsely – for what he said was Obama’s effort to void requiring welfare recipients to find work.”

Seamy not only is shredding journalistic fabric by outrageously inserting her opinion, she repeats what she doubtless knows is a lie about the work requirement.

Mr. Romney was correct. The President lied, which probably is why Seamy thought she was not bound to the truth.

Mr. Obama stealthily dropped the concept from the Welfare Reform Act last month in one of his most unforgivable acts of pandering before special interest groups to win their votes.

Seamy should lose her job over this spectacular abridgement. I will guess, though, given the Titanic’s partisanship, she will be honored by her fellow race bigots.