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The Last Rose of Summer Blooms, but She Also Snarls and Scares Big Animals


I have not visited her bathroom. I suspect, however, Rose Ann De Moro shaves her face as often as her father did. If she isn’t the toughest broad in the land, she will spit out the naïve woman who dared to challenge her. Her fulltime job is anger. In the unlikely event any gentleman would be desperate enough to ask out this she-man, he would be advised to arrive at her digs with a whip, a loaded gun and two starving Dobermen. She hates men even more than she dreads Republicans, so bring a cage, too.

If you are going to admit your indiscretion to your family, don’t let them know that Ms. Hatchetface warmed up for her present assignment by serving as Teamsters organizer. You remember what happened to our country the last time we elected an organizer to the White House.

When “Man up” became a hot catch phrase during the recent mid-terms campaign, the last Rose of summer bellowed out “Me, too.”

Were it not for her unadulterated meanness, this militant 56-year-old smokestack would be a joke.

She could depress God.

A distinctly unlikable woman, she is executive director of the California Nurses Assn./National Nurses Organizing Committee, and she has tripled membership in her union that rivals the SEIU for old-fashioned, Mafia-level thuggery and corruption.

If she owns a frilly dress, I will make a sizable donation to her favorite charity, which probably is her bank account. This latter-day Nurse Ratched will make you wish you were watching “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” instead of living it.

Stoneface is in the news at Thanksgiving because the San Francisco Chronicle, as proudly left as any daily in the country, learned yesterday that this militant marauder’s gang of man-hating hatchetgirls was the rat at the bottom of the Nick Diaz-Gloria Allred scandal that murdered Meg Whitman’s gubernatorial campaign (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/11/23/MN151GFQK1.DTL)

The largest newspaper west of Chicago, the ever-vigilant Los Angeles Titanic, hopes to rush this fascinating news to its readers after Chanukah but before Christmas.

How the law-flaunting illegal alien — isn’t all of that superfluous? — floated into the unloving arms of Nurse Ratched makes a fascinating story, as the Chronicle chronicles it.

Meanwhile, here is a sample of fire-breathing Rose Ann De Moro’s rantings gleaned from the Huffington Post:

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