Home OP-ED The Gift of Music — Part 2

The Gift of Music — Part 2


[img]541|left|Carter Dewberry||no_popup[/img]Playing beautiful music. Creating community. Becoming inspired through inspiring others.

‘Tis the season. ‘Tis the joy of being a musician. And teacher.

My teaching “buzz” continues into its second straight week. After reviewing photos and editing video from my cello students’ holiday performance at a local senior center, I can’t help but share some of the highlights.

Cello Choir in Tustin


An excited audience — taken from live footage

Around two dozen seniors gathered excitedly 20 minutes in advance of the performance. Three different women wouldn’t stop asking me questions about the cello as we set up; they had never before seen a cello choir.

The front two rows requested that we tune extensively and play a preview song while we waited for those stuck in traffic to sneak in right before the performance. During the program, they enthusiastically sang along with holiday carols and arrangements of old movie hits.


Nikki, one of Ms. Dewberry’s cello students. Photo courtesy of her father.

Nine of my students circled the living room hearth to perform together. Half of them also treated the seniors to solos, including everything from Bach to Henry Mancini. The other half connected with the audience by introducing different pieces.

Having crafted all the speech transitions as well as the music in advance, we finished the program much more quickly than I had anticipated. However, the conclusion worked beautifully with the fresh cookies emerging from the oven.

After the program, students enjoyed warm treats while mingling with the appreciative audience. We will be back for a return visit.

Ms. Dewberry, an accomplished cellist, completed her DMA in Chamber Music Performance from UCLA in December 2005. She received her MM in Cello Performance from UCLA in June 2002 and her B.M. in Cello Performance from Western Michigan University in April 1998. She also holds a B.A. in French with a minor in Women's Studies and Philosophy.

Her website is www.carterdewberry.com

She may be contacted at carter@carterdewberry.com