Home OP-ED The Difference Between Being ‘Smart’ and ‘Intelligent’

The Difference Between Being ‘Smart’ and ‘Intelligent’


Re “A Need for Some Editing

Dear Mr. George Laase,

Guess you haven’t been getting much attention lately. By the way, have you endorsed Scott Zeidman yet? Most of the ignorant have already.

Almost missed your article. Guess who brought it to my attention at last night’s School Board meeting? Mr. “Z.” He still reads your stuff.

Most people know that I am a lousy public speaker. That’s what happens sometimes when you do not speak for a living.

My topics are so varied at any given time that I can’t be pigeon- holed into a 3- to 5-minute canned speech like a lot of the smart people.

Culver City is filled with smart people.

There is a difference between smart and intelligent. Example: If a person spent his entire life doing only one thing, would you consider him smart or intelligent?

Compared to the people who earn their living by speaking or writing, I can’t touch that.

The problem with being intelligent is smart people try to minimize “their” shortcomings by attacking trivial matters.

Like the use excessive usage of “I” or “the.” You may not know this but I graduated from UCLA Attorney Assistant Program (tops in class). We were instructed not to use “I” and “the” in legal briefs . You are only allowed a limited number of words to file.

Go to smartvoter.org look up Board Candidates to see what I mean. Mr. Ari Noonan has no editing control over there.

Were you at the Board meeting last night? One of my edited stories came up. The El Marino Elementary School (one with high API scores) near the freeway with no air conditioning with air filtering system.

Why didn’t you think of that?

Am not pretending to be smart. That is for you “edumacated” (educated) people. Intelligent is good enough for me.

Noticed you did not mention edit for “veracity or courage.” No question about my stories. Cannot be challenged for truthfulness. Can you say the same?

By the way, are you aware that the School District is about to forfeit $12 million that is lying unclaimed in the City Council dba as thje Redevelopment Agency account (trustee for District), $6 million in January, the other half in July? Then $3 million of District cash is to flow out annually. This cash is already here in Culver City.

Ask your slick City Council members who claim to support the schools. How?

The $1.2 million obligation that the smart people think is from generosity. Been close to 25 years now.

For you over-40 persons, remember (if you still can) when you received an allowance at 15. Could have been 10 bucks a week. Filled up your car for $3. Took your date to the movies with popcorn and soda for two for $3.50. Dinner for two at Mickey Dees, with fries and sodas, for $35.0. For dessert, two double- scoop cones at Thrifty. Fast forward 25 years. Same allowance:1/6 tank of gas. Get the picture?

Mr. Laase, why are you not questioning the integrity of the selected/elected politicians of Culver City?

Please do not distract me with trivia. I am too busy trying to alert the sleepwalking citizens of Culver City. This not the time to disengage from your politics. Once the money is gone, that’s it. You will be subjected to a life of parcel tax and cuts.

Mr. Abrams, a candidate for the School Board, may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com