Home OP-ED Tender Loving Caregivers

Tender Loving Caregivers


[Editor’s Note: Community activist Catherine Yanda asked Dr. Hoult, Culver City’s premier poet, to write a poem for National Caretakers Month. A proclamation will be presented to hometown caretakers at tonight’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting at City Hall. This tribute poem will be read at the meeting.]

We have “angels” in our midst and most of us don’t know it
They care for folks who’re very ill, and if they’re tired don’t show it
They also tend the elderly, with all their aches and pains
Yet keep their smiles and sacrifice their time and hope for gains
In health for those they care for, for they care about them too
Caregivers’ kindness and concern shine through to me and you

We need to let these “angels” know how much they mean to us
As we watch them provide care with rarely any fuss
We need to let them know we see they have frustrations too
And that they may have postponed dreams, just like me and you

Look at what they’re doing for our friends and families
Let them know that we admire the things they do we see
As well as the invisible good feelings they inspire
Trust glowing in dependent eyes now alight with fire
Knowing someone’s there for them who will not let them down
Who’ll put aside their other tasks, and smile not pull a frown

Caregiver “angels” do their best to bring a bit of “heaven”
Into the lives of those they serve — age one to ninety-seven
We owe them much for all they do; the kindness that they share
So we must give them what they give — lots of tender loving care

Dr. Hoult may be contacted HOULTight@aol.com