Home OP-ED Tellefson Neighbors Ask for, and Get, Action from City Hall

Tellefson Neighbors Ask for, and Get, Action from City Hall


The newly organized Tellefson Park Neighborhood Assn. had an excellent two-hour meeting on Tuesday evening at the Quest Church.

About 25 residents attended plus City Councilman Jim Clarke, Vice Mayor Jeff Cooper and Todd Tipton from Culver City’s Community

Development Dept.

Lt. Ron Iizuka from the Police Dept. kicked off the meeting with a discussion of the purpose of community watch organizations. He presented crime statistics for the area around Tellefson Park.

Several residents reported that that they had seen people rummaging through trash cans on pickup days. They also saw several groups of older teenaged bicycle riders. There was a report of suspected drug deals associated with this group, not confirmed, just based on observation.

Councilman Clarke did a presentation on Measure Y, and printed leaflets were handed out.

A big concern going into the meeting was about Tilden Terrace building project. Residents specifically mentioned workers parking on the street and in no-parking zones, workers eating lunch on residents’ lawns and leaving a mess behind, workers using “cat calls” and other insulting remarks with female residents, work starting before allowed hours, and no-parking signs staying up for days after the event for which they were posted.

One more complaint: A barking security dog after-hours.

Mr. Tipton from Community Development representative led this portion of the discussion, and he did a wonderful job. He took notes on everything. He said Dreyfuss Construction holds a meeting every Wednesday morning, and he would bring up each issue with the project manager.

Mr. Tipton said that once Dreyfuss is placed on notice about the complaints, they must fix the issues or face citations and the possibility of the project being stopped. Pretty strong stuff.

The last discussion was on the importance of voting Tuesday led by Councilman Clarke and Vice Mayor Cooper.

Next meeting is set for Wednesday Nov. 28, when we will get a followup from Mr. Tipton on his discussion with Dreyfuss. Lt. Iizuka will return with the person in charge of parking enforcement to discuss neighborhood parking concerns.

Mr. Voncannon may be contacted at ddvoncannon@pacbell.net