Home OP-ED Tell Me, Why Do We Have to Wait?

Tell Me, Why Do We Have to Wait?


Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,

Sunday was cold and rainy, yet some loyal Legionnaires of Orange County and their families showed up today in the 82nd Airborne Bus and pulled duty at the 362nd consecutive Sunday Rally to “Save Our Veterans Land” and to “Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home.”

In the chill wetness, Chef Andy grilled his famous hot dogs, along with some delicious zucchini bread, chips and Martinelli’s apple juice.

Last night was colder and rainier while we all sat in the comfort of our warm safe homes while tens of thousands of war-injured and homeless Veterans struggle to survive in these deplorable and inhumane conditions.

Why must we wait until the “end of the year” to end Veteran homelessness when our government can declare a “state of emergency” and provide crisis humanitarian relief immediately … just as the VA officials and ACLU attorneys immediately vacated the landmark lawsuit and historic federal judgment adjudicating nine illegal occupants on VA property, instead of acting immediately to bring thousands of homeless Veterans onto the property.

Stand up and speak out regarding these egregious crimes against humanity and the protection of egregious crimes on VA property.
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at RRosebrock1@aol.com