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Teachers and District Meet Today, but Not to Bargain


President Is Motivated

Running hard to retain the presidency that he has enthusiastically held for almost two decades, and facing opposition for the first time, Mr. Mielke has been talking, making threatening gestures, since the School District’s revelation on March 12.

So far this week, though, Mr. Mielke’s nominated adversary, District Supt. Dr. Myrna Cote, is not. She said earlier the final revenue total will not be known until next month, that a portion of the money is, by policy, ineligible for negotiation, and that divvying it up is complex.

Teachers are hoping to incorporate at least a portion of the presumed half-million-dollars into their recent settlement.

Pay Increase for Teachers

This could have the effect of raising teacher salaries an average of 2 percent, officials say.

The latest in a series of meetings between the two sides holds little immediate promise, says Mr. Mielke, because it will not be a negotiating session.

“Just a budgeting pow-wow,” he said, unhappily.

State education officials are scheduled to be present at today’s informational meeting.

The Strategy

Mr. Mielke wants the pace of meetings to be accelerated.

“We have been telling the District for weeks, ‘Let’s go back to the table.’ And the Super said, ‘Let’s get the teams together.’

“Fine with me,” he said.

“If we must have a budgeting pow-wow first, that is fine as long as it leads to step 2, which is actually getting back to the table.

“If not,” Mr. Mielke added, “then we will see about filing an unfair labor practice charge.”