Home OP-ED Tale of Two Buildings – Like Teeth, Is Decay Next?

Tale of Two Buildings – Like Teeth, Is Decay Next?


Dateline Dayton – Here is an update on several recent topics:

The Zollinger Building in Piqua has been sold. It appears the purchaser acquired the building as an investment since he owns adjacent property. But the structure is not being used, and it doesn’t appear there are any plans to change that.

A shame this stately, historic building where my late father spent his career just sits empty. I still believe it could be converted into appealing condos. Or, with its loading docks, ramps, slide and elevator, it could be used by a distributor.

The Arcade in Dayton is deteriorating with each passing day, most especially during the winter months. Sidewalks around part of the building had to be closed because of the drip-drip effect of bricks falling from the structure. This weekend, a building across the street is scheduled to be imploded. I am wondering how much of the Arcade will accidentally disappear at the same time.

Due to my activity with the Friends of the Arcade, I received an email promising an important announcement soon. Additionally, a plan had been approved regarding past-due real estate taxes. A little article appeared in the local paper, announcing the agreement, acknowledging that the first payment had been made.

Nothing more has been announced. My guess is nothing is happening. The email was much ado about nothing, which has been the case since the Arcade was purchased at the Sheriff’s auction. Hope and promises, but no action.

The real shame here is, due to the building being open to the weather, it soon will pass the point of no return. The Arcade space sadly will become another parking lot, absolutely not needed in downtown Dayton.

May I See Your License?

Every so often I rekindle the idea of requiring a license before a couple can have children. No question that education is needed on how to care for infants and children. This conviction can be substantiated every day in the newspaper or on television.

I don’t know where to begin to tell you about the infants and children who have suffered or died while being cared for by incompetents.

Sometime it’s just the case of a child being in the wrong place at the wrong time, such as being killed in crossfire by two or more idiots or murdered in a drive-by shooting. The latest death here in the Dayton area was a nine-month-old found not breathing by his 17-year-old mother.

The child died under suspicious circumstances. He was wrapped tightly in a blanket. As is the case in most of these situations, the living arrangement was not the best. The girl was living with her boyfriend, who was not the father, at his mother’s house.

No charges have been filed, but police are saying they probably will be. Were I a betting man, my money would be on the boyfriend.

Many girls of child-bearing age never have been taught how to care for a child. Their mothers did it by the seat of their pants, or The Book. Many men take the position that responsibility for their child is a girl thing. I’m not sure where that idea came from. A child should be loved, raised and cared for by two.

Let’s teach everyone how to care for an infant. Require a license. It is more important than hunting and fishing.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net