Home OP-ED Take Care of Me

Take Care of Me


Dateline Boston — Unlike most people I know, I love visiting health care professionals. After a recent visit to the dentist’s office, I realized why. Who knew I could have an epiphany from getting a tooth filled?

I went in to get an old filling replaced. I’m not sure exactly how old it was, but it was pretty ancient. The visit made me think of my childhood and my infrequent dental visits. Most of my teeth have fillings in them. As a child, one of my permanent teeth was growing in sideways. Instead of getting braces to straighten the tooth, it was removed. That caused the two teeth on either side to slant towards each other, creating the perfect breeding ground for gingivitis. In my twenties, I had gum surgery to prevent further damage to my gums.

In my thirties, I decided to start taking care of my health. I began visiting the dentist twice a year for professional cleanings, and I started flossing. Doing those two things really makes a difference, I’ve learned. No more bleeding gums! No more pain! Fresh breath! Take care of your mouth, and your mouth will take care of you.

And so will your dentist. The procedure I had the other day was done so efficiently and with so little trouble, it was almost comforting. And that’s what the epiphany was. I like going to doctors, the dentist, the chiropractor, my personal trainer, and my massage therapist because it is in those places that I am really taken care of.

Recalling, Recoiling… My Childhood

I had a difficult childhood. I’ll say it—I was neglected. My parents were divorced by the time I was eight, they were both alcoholics, we always struggled for money. The care of two children sort of went by the wayside at times. By the age of twelve on, I shuffled back and forth among my parents, relatives and friends. Things in my life were very inconsistent. Routine was unheard of. As for healthcare, well…what healthcare?

As I neared forty, I became interested in specialists. One year I went to an ear, nose and throat specialist, got my hearing tested, and saw a dermatologist, all for minor issues. Mostly out of curiosity. The pain I had been experiencing in my ear? Self diagnosed as pain due to tight headbands. My hearing? Not bionic, as I had suspected. My skin? Perfect and age appropriate (that’s what those little spots are!) I see my eye doctor on a regular basis. Get it? See…my eye doc…anyway.

Now that I’m in my forties, I’ve upped the caregiving ante. I now see a massage therapist once a month, if possible. I have a chiropractor. I have a personal trainer. These people are interested in me, my health, my well-being. For one whole hour, it’s all about me, and how to get the most out of my body, which is now far from being neglected. Recently I heard about a guy who does body work and gets rid of negative chi. I’m going to see him next month.

As an adult, my life is completely the opposite of what it was as a child. Consistency and routine are a must. I’ve lived in the same state and have had the same dentist, eye doctor and hair stylist for seventeen years. I have had the same job and doctor for thirteen years. I’ve lived in my current apartment for six years.

I have a crew of people who are at my beck and call to pamper me. Okay, maybe I’m getting a little carried away. I pay many different people lots of money so that I am taken care of in the way that I deserve. They help me to look and feel my best.

My suggestion? Make an appointment to see a dentist for that cleaning you’ve been putting off. See a dermatologist, just to make sure your skin is aging the way it’s supposed to. When you’re done, go get a manicure or pedicure. It’s your body—you deserve it! And while you’re at it, clean up that chi.

Ms. Campbell may be contacted at campbellalexandra@hotmail.com