Home OP-ED Swish the Cynic Makes a Another Clean Escape

Swish the Cynic Makes a Another Clean Escape


For what must be the 200th time in 34 months, President Obama last Thursday played the American people for fools without any fear of payback. Like dutiful abused spouses, the shallow liberals among us smiled back through bloodied, broken faces and bellowed, “Smack us again, Swish. Been so long. Feels so good.”

When he spit into their willing eyes, their only discernible reaction was to kvetch that the rains sure started early this season.

You Can’t Do Anything

With the impudence of a brat who knows he won’t be punished, Swish announced that he is delaying a final decision on the job-rich, 1,700-mile Transcanada Keystone XL oil pipeline until after next November’s Presidential election.

By then, he will be safely beyond the voters’ reach — either having been re-elected or dumped.

He must eat cynicism for breakfast.

Toe-dancing environmentalists object to the thoroughly studied — and environmentally approved — pipeline because Swish is their personal footstool. They warned him they would not campaign for him if he green lights the energy project that would bring 830,000 barrels of crude oil daily to refineries in Oklahoma and Texas.

My Job Is No. 1, Not Yours

Did I mention that the pipeline comes with 20,000 jobs?

Next time you find yourself in a foxhole, unless your heart is stronger than mine, don’t ask the guy next to you if his name is Swishy. Should he answer affirmatively, your chances of reaching old age are lousier than Bin Laden’s.

Chortling with the supremely insulated confidence of a criticism-proof old line Soviet dictator, Swishy, the Elmer Fudd of Presidents, engineered a hubris-laden stunt that only a man on death row would try to slip past people.

With America weeping, begging for jobs, Swishy plunged a bloody liberal butcher knife into 20,000 jobs.

Audacious as a cad, President Fudd says his own employment takes precedence.

Torn between two sections of his base — labor unions who love the pipeline and the toe-dancers who are aiming their tomahawks at his V-shaped skull, Swishy demonstrated once again he possesses less courage than a corpse.

As a man of multiple non-convictions, Swish spun his tutu around, waffled and crumpled to the floor. They will put a basketball on his tombstone because of its strong resemblance to him — black and brown on the outside, hollow on the inside.

He is giving chutzpah a bad name.

Like an infant deprived of his rattler, Mr. Swish has been tearfully wailing for months about the need for jobs while simultaneously reaching behind his back — where the action is concentrated — to kill plum job- creators.

Eighty-five percent of the reason he was elected three years ago this month is because he is black. He holds no known core beliefs. Mistaking election for a signal to begin playtime, he has demonstrated no aptitude for learning, which is why Swishy and Mad Michelle have mostly been on vacation the last 34 months. He has logged more air time than a covey of paraplegic birds.

His cowardly delay of a call on Keystone, dripping coldly with arrogance, is not unique. The Jew-hating President who sat in the racist preacher Jeremy Wright’s bug-eyed congregation and swore he never heard an offensive remark is not a man to be trusted with anything more valuable than a wet doily.

Remember, this is the zero who cannot make up his mind which sock to put on first.

He has pulled the delay act a revolting number of times during his tenure, and has escaped media opprobrium every time.

Along with the numerous aspects of the disastrous Obamacare plan and several other abortion policies, he has put off a bulging shelf of final rulings or implementations until voters can’t punish him.

Meanwhile, his whorish handmaidens throughout the media bow low and mutter, “Yowza, yowza, Boss.”

Swish may be a fool, but he ain’t that dumb because his intimidators convinced a goodly number of Americans, willing stooges, to vote for him.