Home OP-ED Surely No One Is Abel to Take Cain Seriously

Surely No One Is Abel to Take Cain Seriously


[img]583|left|||no_popup[/img]Herman Cain claims the reason Black people won’t support him is that they’ve been brainwashed. Many conservatives are saying Cain is President Obama’s worst nightmare. I would love to have been in the White House when those statements came out. In spite of Obama’s laid-back demeanor, I’d be willing to bet he was laughing so hard that he was rolling on the floor of the Oval Office in tears.

One would think this man would have sense enough to know no one takes him seriously —especially the GOP. If the GOP ever had taken the time to truly get to know the Black community, they’d know that the only thing more toxic to Black people than a flat-out racist, is a Black conservative (with the notable exception of Colin Powell, because he’s not really a conservative. He was smart enough to flimflam the overseer, instead of the reverse).

Most Black people have little use for Black conservatives. It's not that we disagree with everything they say, but because we’re suspect of the reasons they are saying it. With the possible exception of those who believe in talking snakes, virtually without exception, every Black conservative I've ever known was a self-serving opportunist.

Their conservatism tends not to be grounded in their philosophy but as an opportunity to gain exposure and wealth. They realize that conservatives are looking high and low for Black people willing to step forward to validate their views toward the Black community. They gleefully allow themselves to be used in return for personal wealth, position and notoriety.

Take Thomas, Please

Clarence Thomas is a case in point. No way a man of his renowned level of mediocrity should be sitting on the highest court. He should not be allowed to sit in traffic court.

Due, though, exclusively to his willingness to validate the conservative view of Black America, he has been given one of this nation's highest honors. Thomas's presence on the Supreme Court is a stain on American values, our fidelity to jurisprudence, and an unabashed affront to every Black person in America.

Clarence Thomas is allowing himself to be used as a national monument to every negative stereotype of Black people ever put forward — grinning, subservient, lazy, white-woman-lusting, treacherous, dishonest and ignorant. Every time there is a State of the Union address, Black people are forced to sit and look at him.

Just Like Treason

The Black community looks upon Clarence Thomas the same way white Americans look upon a man guilty of treason against the United States. Other Black conservatives are not far behind. Why? Because most of these people would have happily voted against the Civil Rights Act to promote personal interest if they had had the chance.

To demonstrate how transparent they are, Thomas took the unprecedented action of lobbying his colleagues to expect what now was a meritless challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to become President of the United States.

Meanwhile, he did not say a word as the Supreme Court casually appointed George Bush President after he lost the popular vote in the 2000 election. It took Thomas’s colleagues, some of the most conservative white men in the country, to tell Thomas that he was going too far.

And Black people are brainwashed?

People like Thomas tend to be self-serving accommdationists wholly lacking in character.

Black people have suffered a long history of such people, all the way back to slavery. It probably was a Clarence Thomas clone who sold us into slavery in the first place. These were the same people who would inform on slaves trying to escape to freedom: “I don't know what's wrong wit him, boss. Ya jest can't get him to appreciate nothin' you do for us. What he needs is a real good beatin'. Want me to do it? I’ll do it real good for ya, boss.”

Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, with his happy, grinnin’ face, eager-to-please attitude and quintessential ignorance is a bad joke at the expense of the Black community.

It wouldn’t be any more insulting to Black people if they chiseled a picture of Buckwheat on the Supreme Court seal.

Now we have another happy face in Herman Cain, saying Black people won’t support him and his fascist overseers because we’re brainwashed? This from a Black man whose advice to Black people during the deepest recession since the Great Depression is, “Get a job.”

Please. This is an absolute idiot.

Get out the whip, Rush. It sounds as if Herman's been into your stash.

Eric L. Wattree is a writer, poet and musician, born in Los Angeles. A columnist for the Los Angeles Sentinel, the Black Star News, a staff writer for Veterans Today, he is a contributing writer to Your Black World, the Huffington Post, ePluribus Media and other online sites and publications. He also is the author of “A Message From the Hood.”

Mr. Wattree may be contacted at wattree.blogspot.com or Ewattree@Gmail.com

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