Home OP-ED Super Tortilla

Super Tortilla



CRUNCH! CRUNCH! I love it!

When a crunch is the sound of something healthy I’m eating, I go ape.

In this case, the crunch comes from toasting a soft whole wheat tortilla in our new toaster oven.

Before we purchased our $20 toaster oven from Target last month, I tried toasting small pieces of tortillas in a regular toaster – small pieces were the only ones that would fit. Mostly a disaster, the tortilla toasted irregularly. Often it burned on the edges. Enter the new machine: The tortilla is toasted evenly.  Since I know the setting, and have discovered the time it takes for crispy browning to occur, I set the kitchen timer to two-and-one-half minutes, and VOILA! – Crunch Time.

No need to purchase harder, thicker, taco shells as a platform to hold the plethora of leftovers in our fridge each night. Now the thin, flat, round, whole wheat toasted tortilla does the trick.

It’s strong. This evening I plastered the crispy tortilla with the slightly drained solid contents of my wife’s famous chicken soup. Neither the chicken, nor the onions, carrots, parsley, turnips, nor broccoli managed to soak through the magic tortilla. Each bite was a crunchfest. As a side dish, I crunched on separate toasted tortilla sections, lightly coated with margarine. Yum.

So what plans do I now have to utilize my newest food sensation?

I plan to purchase a few packages of the whole wheat tortillas. I will keep all but one package in the freezer. Later, I plan to experiment. What else can I put on my crunchy new friend? How about tuna?  Even better, the hot innards of a tuna melt dropped on a waiting crispy tortilla? Maybe sardines? What about salmon? My yummy smoked chicken? Or a bean burger lopped on top?

Wait a minute – what am I going to do with all the bread in the freezer?

I know. I will use it to make French toast,  which I think I will lob onto a crispy tortilla.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen@hotmail.com